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Taka Nuvia


My. Back. Hurts.

You wanna know why?

I won't tell you :P


Naah, seriously. ^^ There's been to much sadness in this blog lately, and today I actually wanted to write something nice, cheerful that makes us all laugh.

Then it happened.

Sports, at school. We had some special exercise to do, and then... well, to make it short and pain-less: I fell from some height, and landed so bad that it (pain) short right up my spine. Now my back hurts.




but I'm okay! I'm alive! Alive! I can feel my legs, I can feel my arms, I can feel... uh, nevermind, I guess ya got my point :D


So... what else...

I haven't done my homework.


'Cause I don't wanna. :( And my back hurts :)

Seriously, I came home from school, and I was totally down-down. Physically and psychically (dunno if that's even a word). But now I'm feeling better!


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Umm, I guess better-ness is good. :)


But better-ness can only exist if badness have existed, which isn´t good. If badness hadn´t existed, there´d be nothing for better-ness to be better than. So...




However, Get (even) better soon. :)


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Ahhhh...we all have our bad days...some worse than others.

Don't feel too bad, I mean, you still got the love of free coats! :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Meh, this Blog is one big sob-fest

Quite frankly, the day you DONT post something sad is the day i'll be surprised

But until then, good luck with your bad back!

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im sending u PMS 4 a reason.

optomisticism is a virtue!







well, in my book it is! :P


anyways, i hope youre back feels better, but in the mean time, this does give you a good time to do ur math.

im similer--i hate homework, and often end up spraining or pulling something :P

thats why i have planed thins out with my teacher, so i dont have to do homework.

you could try that to.

(or draw them a picture to brighten there mood, which'll help make that easyer :P )


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Sounds like you through your back out. Ow.


Happens to me too. SLEEP. You need SLEEP. And soothing back massages whall eating sushi and watching 1956 soap operas.


Thats what I like to do with muh back.

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Had a sports accident, too, last week. Diagnosis: "Außenbandruptur am linken Fuß."

You want it in English? I'll give it a try: "ruptured outer ligament (?) at the left foot."



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You mean mentally. :D I hurt my back lifting my younger sibling too. Mata Nui knows how bad it felt. So I get your pain. Get better soon!


NtM, its a rip in a ligament that connects your bones. You ripped a muscle basically.

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Ow... That would hurt falling off...somethign high.


I'm glad you feel better now, I'm guessing you feel much better because your here with your Friends =D



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Sounds painfull...

Trust me, you need to be doing homework regularly. Don't into the sruff I was in.

*cough cough almost failed seventh grade, cough cough*

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