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Mp3 Vs Ipod!



Well....we finally have a new polleth again....this time around it's the classic MP3 player vs. the ipod!
Now before we get into all the voting and the "OH MY GOSH MP3s/ipods have to SO WIN THIS!!!!!!!" let's read a little about each one below. :P


The MP3 player is the generic type of music playing device. They are made by several different companies and usually much more affordable for the average family than the ipod. However for less money...they are usually less in quality, but not always so. Over all an MP3 player is compatable with just about any computer or music device.

Average price for lowest memory MP3 player: $30


The ipod.....the highly praised and loved music player of our time...is basically Apple's version of an MP3 player. Except of course it also uses its own kind of file too. Usually much more expensive for not many more abilities or features, the ipod is the popular thing of our music generation. As ipods are more into the graphic display than most MP3 players now days, they can have speed and/or space problems. Though most ipods work perfectly and average having more space than an MP3 player, they get wrecked when used with a Vista PC....if that's an "accident" by Microsoft I'm not sure. :P (I'm not sure if this has been fixed yet or not)

Average price for lowest memory ipod: $50-$80

So far it's 5-7, ipod!
Vote now on my page, in my blog, or PM me your vote!
Voting ended!

Remember, music is a great part of life, and disco is in this year!

-Jordboy1 :miru:


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I prefer mp3 really, the quality can be very good (sansa ftw).


iPods are very cool, but they are sooo expensive and overrated. Like, everyone and their dog has one.

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I prefer mp3 really, the quality can be very good (sansa ftw).


iPods are very cool, but they are sooo expensive and overrated. Like, everyone and their dog has one.


A very true comment, glad to find someone who feels the same for once. :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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MP3. I've had my PSP for several years now & it hasn't let me down.

And as Lady K stated, the i-pod is overrated.




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ipod FTW!


It's much easier to understand.




Even though an MP3 player isn't hard either. You're just going through a list of songs after all. :P


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Mp3. Ipods are over-rated, and everybody I know who owns one has had to replace it once or twice due to their tendency to stop working/break in half at the tiniest breeze.
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iPod. I've had mine for years now. I've dropped it, scratched it, left it in my pocket for hours at a time during work, spilled water on it, and it still works perfectly.


Plus, it lets me watch 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' and 'The Dark Knight' whenever I want, along with my 30GB of music, and a ton of photos, so I can show off my photography whenever I want.


Also, it does play more than just ACC files. It plays mp3s, iTunes auto-converts wmas into whatever format you wish, etc. Not to mention iTunes is incredibly user-friendly.


I don't leave the house without my iPod.

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Mp3. Ipods are over-rated, and everybody I know who owns one has had to replace it once or twice due to their tendency to stop working/break in half at the tiniest breeze.

I've never had to replace mine. Lots of my friends have one to. They've never had to replace it.

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Well me old ipod from 06 only broke at the beginning of this year after everyday constant use (I killed the earphones outlet). My new one is the 120gb classic. I like it very much.


What i found was that the cheaper Mp3 players lack a bit in saving space and I use my iPod as external drive for backups of my Photoshop files.

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