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Weekly Update - 4/24

Black Six



Friday again. What fun! Let's see what there is to see.



First up, the Fourth Chapter of the Reign of Shadows has gone live. Hooray for you story gurus.


Next, we found out that LEGO and RockBand are joining forces to release a new game this holiday season. The reaction so far has been mixed, but I'm willing to give it a shot. I'm definitely looking forward more to the Beatles RockBand game that's coming out, but the LEGO one will have The Final Countdown, which is a pretty big selling point for me. If you don't like music games, this probably won't be for you, but if you do, keep an eye on it.


Finally, I have something I'd like to talk about, and that's respect. Whenever I promote a new member to the staff, one of the first things I make sure they see is a list of rules about being a staff member. It's a short list. To summarize: Respect yourself, respect the members, respect the staff, and respect the site. I think these rules are pretty good guidelines for everyone else on BZPower.


BZPower is a privately owned site, and we extend an invitation to anyone and everyone to become a part of our private community. If you fail to show respect to others, however, it's a quick way to have that invitation revoked. I can't control what you do or say outside of BZPower, and I have no interest and don't really care about that. But while you're here I expect to see respect given and received. I don't care if you're lying through your teeth, but as long as you refrain from insulting other people and treat them kindly, that's what's important.


As I've said before, you're welcome to disagree with the rules, and I'm always open to discussing them in a mature manner. But you should still respect them and those who uphold them, and everyone else on the site.


Oh, and if you were banned once and managed to sneak back on, falling into your old ways and disrespecting people is a sure way of getting caught. That's a Black Six ProtipTM.


P.S. - Bfahome and Exo-Fat were promoted. Congrats again!



Nothing this week. Please spread out your question sending. :P


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



So, I hope you enjoyed my little soapbox speech. See you all next week.


Recommended Comments

Not exactly a good idea to encourage people who got banned who sneak in a way to avoid getting caught, but whatever.


Official guess, they'll find at least one song with the words Brick or block in the title or featured in the song for Lego Rock Band. Let's see if I'm right. -Swert

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I think I'd fall among those members with a mixed reaction towards LRB. I don't quite see the point :P


But yeah, this has been an awesome week, particularly for me. Those guidelines are really good advice.

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Awesome advise, B6. Though, you might want to edit this:

but as long as you refrain from insulting other people and treat them kindly, that's what's important.


It kinda sounds like you say 'as long as you refrain from treating them kindly'... At least, at first glance it sounds like that... =P


This blog is win - I love it so much. ^_^


~ Velox

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Not exactly a good idea to encourage people who got banned who sneak in a way to avoid getting caught, but whatever.


Official guess, they'll find at least one song with the words Brick or block in the title or featured in the song for Lego Rock Band. Let's see if I'm right. -Swert

Another Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd. XD

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I do admit that a LRB would be interesting, I might end up buying it/renting it just to see what it is like. Before I make any purchases, I'd prefer to know whether or not I'll actually enjoy the game.


But I do agree with the "Banned members sneaking back on" thing, more since it includes "Falling back into your old ways" which would lead to another bannation right off the bat. Of course, I generally haven't noticed a lot of these types of offenses within my time here as a BZP Member.


I shall say it again since this entry brings it up again; Congrats to Exo and Bfa! I was actually incredibly happy when I noticed that Exo's name was yellow when I logged on, and I was also very happy with the promotion on Bfahome. They both deserve it so much and are such an -incredible- help on the site.


Those are all of my comments concerning the entry.

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Not exactly a good idea to encourage people who got banned who sneak in a way to avoid getting caught, but whatever.


Official guess, they'll find at least one song with the words Brick or block in the title or featured in the song for Lego Rock Band. Let's see if I'm right. -Swert

Another Brick in the Wall - Pink Floyd. XD

Oh man. You know what i'd like to see: part three, but with the solo from part two tacked on the end. Yessss. Why has no one ever made this? Someone should make this.

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All this about respect makes me think something has happened. Did I miss something? :unsure:


EDIT: Never mind, I have just found out. :)


~Gata. ;)

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Official guess, they'll find at least one song with the words Brick or block in the title or featured in the song for Lego Rock Band. Let's see if I'm right. -Swert
"Brick House"

"Follow the Yellow Brick Road"


It is inevitable. :P


©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM


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