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Weekly Update - 5/1

Black Six



Enter Sandman by Metallica. Oh wait, this isn't the 'What Are You Listening To At This Very Moment?' topic, it's the Weekly Update!



I wouldn't be doing my Ambassadorial (that's such a great word) duty if I didn't remind you to check out the survey that LEGO is asking TFOLs and AFOLs to participate in. This feedback will be extremely valuable for the company and will help out us, the consumers, in the long run - it's well worth it.


The fourth chapter of Riddles of the Great Beings has been released. I haven't checked the Talkback topic recently, but does anyone have an answer to my riddle? Bonus points if you do.


So, a question for you guys tonight: what are your thoughts when the names of the staff members suddenly change to some random theme? Is it funny? Is it cool? Is it confusing? Is it stupid? Not like it's going to happen any time soon or anything, because that would just be silly. But I figured I'd ask.



1. Do your parents know about you running the BZPower website? What do they think of it, if anything?

2. What is your daily BZP routine (i.e. 1. Edit news; 2. Check AdvertAlert...)?

3. Do you have a favorite baseball team?

1. Yes, they're aware of my involvement. At one point, in between being the appropriate age for Bionicle (in their opinion) and where I am now, they thought I was too old for it. But they've come to accept that that's not going to change. They also have realized that the people I know are legitimate and that I've made some good connections, both on BZPower and, for example, with LEGO.

2. I don't really have a set routine. I generally try to check the forums thoroughly twice a day. Throughout the day though I'll log into the Admin Control Panel and approve accounts or just go to the main site to check PMs and other activity. Then sometimes someone will send me a link of something that needs to be addressed and that will get drawn out into doing a bunch of things.

3. In my opinion baseball is a thoroughly boring sport, both to watch and to play.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Hopefully things will pick up in the next couple of weeks. Until then, thanks for bearing with me and our boring updates. (Civil War by Guns N' Roses now if you were curious.)


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'What Are You Listening To At This Very Moment?'




Staff name changes what?


Oh, those things. They're pretty awesome.

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The staff name changes are pretty funny, silly even. It's confusing at first, but people learn who's who after a day or two. (Ha, I made funny poem).

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Staff name changes...it's as confusing as all get out. I never know who's who until I get around to checking display name histories, and by then they've changed back.


-=< :s: >=-

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So, a question for you guys tonight: what are your thoughts when the names of the staff members suddenly change to some random theme? Is it funny? Is it cool? Is it confusing? Is it stupid? Not like it's going to happen any time soon or anything, because that would just be silly. But I figured I'd ask.

They tend to be soooo awesome and fun



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They're really quite fun. I love it when the staff does cool stuff like that.


In my opinion baseball is a thoroughly boring sport, both to watch and to play.



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3. In my opinion baseball is a thoroughly boring sport, both to watch and to play.

How can you say that? Nothing beats watching someone try to jump up against the outfield wall to try and prevent a home run.

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Staff name changes... eh... They're alright when it's a good theme. Like Batman was good. Ponies was EPIC FAIL.


Just my opinion. ^^



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I generally like the staff fads, because a lot of people think of the staff like robots who close topics, and never see the fun side as much.


So, yeah, I like them, but I agree with Velox here -- if it's something like Batman, or something from superhero comics, I'd be very happy. :P



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Staff name changes... eh... They're alright when it's a good theme. Like Batman was good. Ponies was EPIC FAIL.


Just my opinion. ^^



Ponies was prolly the best one ever.

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Not like it's going to happen any time soon or anything, because that would just be silly.


Aaaaw. :(


I love the staff name changes. It's fun to watch the staff act like pop culture characters. :P

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So was the answer to your riddle a dragonfly? Those have six legs and are unable to walk, or so I've read.

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Staff names changes are awesomesauce.


Baseball is quite fun to play, mind you. Of course, you have to hit the ball first, which is always hard.

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what are your thoughts when the names of the staff members suddenly change to some random theme? Is it funny? Is it cool? Is it confusing? Is it stupid?

I like them. They're fun, sometimes really funny, and can be quite clever. Confusing? Not really.



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Wow, you used my questions. Interesting answers.


I don't have an opinion on the staff name changes. They aren't confusing for me, and are sometimes amusing, but I don't think that they are necessarily "awesome."

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Staff name changes... eh... They're alright when it's a good theme. Like Batman was good. Ponies was EPIC FAIL.


Just my opinion. ^^



Ponies was prolly the best one ever.




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Staff name changes... eh... They're alright when it's a good theme. Like Batman was good. Ponies was EPIC FAIL.


Just my opinion. ^^



Ponies was prolly the best one ever.




(Lady) Galaxy!

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