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I Am Sad



I am sad because of my brother moving out of the house finally. :(

It kind of bothers me to know that he's going to be so far away and I won't get to see him often.

I know my life will be boring and abit depressing without him in the house, because he's always been my cool older brother and he's always looked out for me.


I'm not really sure how to feel about him moving. I'm seriously going to miss him. -_- (also gonna miss all the times I was able to pester him :3) Hope your trip goes well bro and you better message often >:3





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I have no idea how you feel.


And I don't think I ever will.




I'm the oldest of my siblings.






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I have no idea how you feel.


And I don't think I ever will.




I'm the oldest of my siblings.






I will share this....it makes me really sad :crying:

Cuz Res would be like a leader and a role model to both me and my little bro, and now I have to look after myself and him.

He ward off any young guy who'd try and hit on me and take advantage of me... in the past that has happened sometimes :\

It'd make me laugh if Res scared a guy that even glanced at me funny... *sigh* I felt safe knowing that he was helping protect me.

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That really stinks Chane. But we all get over these things eventually. But then again, I'm also the oldest child in my family, so I can't know how you feel. But I hope you get over it.


-Blademan out B)

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Aww Chane. I'm sorry about that :(


I know the feeling. In a way. Was more on the lines glad when Gunnar moved. Just to know he's next door <_<


But, what I mean is, yes this happens with us all. Well I guess so. I dont ever wanna leave. But Chane you need too cheer up and enjoy (and annoy :P ) him as much as you can before he leaves.

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Aww Chane. I'm sorry about that :(


I know the feeling. In a way. Was more on the lines glad when Gunnar moved. Just to know he's next door <_<


But, what I mean is, yes this happens with us all. Well I guess so. I dont ever wanna leave. But Chane you need too cheer up and enjoy (and annoy :P ) him as much as you can before he leaves.


Well he already left, but I tried as much as I could to make those last moments fun and goofy.


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*hugeths and gives a super comforting coat*

I know how you feel...and I'ma hereth for ya.... -_-

*tears up* Thank you JB

*hugs too*


No problem, E6. You n' Res're good friends to me, not to mention very important, so ifeth you evers needeth anything.....

Now I'm gonna stop before I become Jordboy1 the mushy man.... :P


Also...fun and goofy last moments are usually the moments that stick with you forever. ^_^


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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It's okay, I know what it's like to have someone you like move away, or move away from someone you like. I've never had a brother or sister, but I had to move away from my good friend Evan. I hope you can still talk to your brother over the phone sometimes, it's always nice to hear the voice of someone you care about. Good luck!

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I now how you feel x3... All three of my siblings moved out. I was pretty upset about each of them moving out, though especially my next-oldest brother. He was my favorite brother (don't tell my other brother this! =P) and he ended up moving the farthest away.


He comes to visit sometimes, so it's not like he's gone for good. But I miss him being around every day.

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Aww, sorry to hear that. <=(

It must be hard for you to have to see him leave and all. :( But I'm sure you'll be fine over time. =3



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