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Bohrok Kool Contest: Mocs & Art Welcome!




Everybody knows the Bohrok Kal sold horribly. They were clones of the original Bohrok. This is bad. Not everybody hated them, but yeah.

Coincidentally (okay not so much :P) the Bionicle Paracosmos is going to have an opportunity soon to include both the original Bohrok Kal, identical to canon, AND six further-mutated Bohrok Kal. The only guideline I have is that these mutated Kal are larger than normal Bohrok, and each is mutated in a different way.

That's what this contest is all about. Redesign the Bohrok Kal. The winning six entries will be used in upcoming Paracosmos stories, (probably by the end of the next epic, Endless Blue, a short story to take place during that epic, and the epic after that).


1) There are three main categories; MOC, Comp Art, and Drawing. Two winners will (most likely; depending on amounts entered) be chosen from each category.

2) There will be six total winners; one for each of the Bohrok Kal.

3) Each person may win only once, however:

4) You may, for this contest, enter up to six entries. This can be six different Kal, variations on the same Kal, even a generalized design entered with up to six variations (such as different handshields and coloration). You can mix and match, enter multiple categories, whatever -- as long as you have only six maximum entries.

5) The one thing you may NOT do is use the standard Bohrok design.

6) You may enter either new or old MOCs, but this contest won't have separate categories for new vs. old. Same could go for art -- old or new are welcome, doesn't matter.

7) This contest is for the appearance, not the storyline of it. I'll have my own (classified) explanation for the existence of these six different Kal.


1) Aim for larger than the original Bohrok. They don't have to necessarily be titans, though that's cool too, but they should be biggish.

2) Aim for "cool" appearance, whatever that means to you.

3) Scary is good too.

4) Whether you want to keep the silvery appearance is up to you. Anything goes, as long as it is somehow "elite" compared to a normal Bohrok.

How will winners be chosen? Well, two ways. One, Ojhilom and I will arrange the entries in their categories in order from best down, as we deem them. Two, if there are multiple best ones of a single Kal, we will reserve the right to rearrange and possibly even contact the members in question and ask them if we can convert a Kal into a different Kal (if it would fit). We'll try to judge the MOCs and art as objectively as we can, so enter what you like best. :)

Entry Period:

Contest Begins now, ends noon August 3 (a Monday). That's threeish months to enter.

Entry form:

[img=Put entry image URL here]

Member Name: [your name]

Entry Name: [which kal is it?]

Topic Link: [if applicable]

Category: [MOC, Comp Art, or Drawing]


Sig Banner:



Recommended Comments

Would I be allowed to enter all six in one picture?


I made these guys about 6 months ago, using almost every single rod I own, and almost every limb I own too.


But I have been waiting for MONTHS to enter them in a contest.


Can I, please?


Pretty please?


If so...


The Bohrok Kal Enlarged.


Member Name: Phovos the Raptor (duh)


Entry Name: The Bohrok Kal. All six of them. Enlarged.


Topic Link: Sorry, but it's dead...


Category: MOCs


Explanation: Originally built these with the name Bohrok Ksa, which changed to Bohrok Rex when I posted them here on BZP. Then I disappeared from BZP for a while, and thought up this story of Bohrok coming from the 'Hive' planet, and finding nothing but the remains of the six Kal, and decided to take them back home, where Tahnok Kal and Lehvak Kal lived peacefully.


Then I came back and saw this contest, and brought these 'Rex' back from the dead to enter in this contest.


Their version of the story: Tahnok #0017 didn't like Tahnok #0016, and decided to follow him to the room where they became Kal. But once everyone had left, Tahnok #0017 called some of his 'friends' and tried to turn them into Kal.


Sadly, Tahnok #0017 didn't quite get it right...





Anyway, THANKS!


-Phovos the Raptor.


Do I owe you an interview?


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That's fine, Phovos.




(Sorry. Hyperactiveness from coming back to BZP... I don;t know, seeing such a cool blog like yours gives people the nicest of buzzes....)


(Sorry again. I seem to be spouting nonsense.)



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graghh we need less nuvohk kals :P


i think i shall make eithr tahnok kal or kohrahk kal :D


Do tahnok. I could use less compitetion. :D


-TLhikan Zehvor

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Member Name: Ultimate_Kardas


Entry Name: Pahrak-Kal


Category: MOC


Explanation: Well, I wanted to keep the bohrok head and symbol. So that's where I started. I turned the teeth around, figuring that would be good, then I was like, "Hey, why don't I give him a mouth for roaring and spitting out plasma or something?" That's where I added the avohkii. And I wanted to keep the round bohrok shape, so I took his body pieces and put them side by side. And for the weapons, I thought they looked a bit like his old weapons, but bigger, and they worked well with the arms.



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I'm gonna enter...right now!


Member name:Millennium


Entry name: Tahnok-kal


Category: MOC


Topic link:Here


Explanation: Acting as the leader of the Kal, he has many weapons with which he gains the other kal's respect.

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Member Name: Major Marvelous
Entry Name: Gahlok-Kal
Topic Link: N/A
Category: Moc
Explanation: Gahlok-Kal with a bird-like stature and protective spokes around the head.
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I have one here, but it's already entered into BBC#54. Would it be allowed to enter this contest?


Also, here's an old one. It uses a custom torso, built to resemble the original. Would it be allowed?

Yes and yes. ^_^

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Member Name: Toa Zehvor TLhikan


Entry Name: Kohrok


Topic Link: Here.


Category: MOC


Explanation: Built for combat, this Kal has blades all along it. It is also faster and more agile than the standard Kal.


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Member Name: ToaAvahkan


Entry Name: Kohrok-Kal


Topic Link: Maybe later


Category: MOC


Explanation: His feet can propel sonic power strong enough to lift him off the ground, allowing him to levitate. He is big and bulky, but by using his sonics in the right way, he can travel, run, etc. at speeds of up to 195 mph. His claws can be supercharged with sonics, so they can vibrate fast enough to knock apart virtually any substance they touch. He can also unleash his sonic powers at an oppenent (like the original kohrok-kal). That orange piece on his chest is a heartlight, FYI, not a death lazer. :P

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That's all the same MOC, right? That's fine.

Do forgive the insanely long delay.





Member Name: Captain Cool


Entry Name: Nuhvok Kal


Topic Link: None


Category: MOC


Explanation: Nuhvok Kal has Power over gravity, but why should it only use it for offense? My Kal has the ability to manipulate the gravity around it and change its own form! This allows for a elongated and more agile fighting form, but still allows it to use its classic ball form when it doesn't need to cover long distances or smash through walls.

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Finally, after a lot of procrastination and several nonstop days of work, I've finally completed my entry. And, from the looks of it, I might have the only art entry so far. :unsure: The good thing is that since I did this in Powerpoint, I was able to easily make all six of the Kal, instead of just one - and I think the end resut is probably my best computer artwork ever. :)









Member Name: ~~Zarkan~~

Entry Name: Bohrok Omega (all Kal)

Topic Link: None

Catergory: Artwork

Explanation: Basically the Borhok Kal supercharged and coolified in a style similar to Bonesiii's powerpoint art. The Borhok Kal depicted here now are bigger, stronger, and have organic features like muscles, real teeth, and hands and feet with claws.


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Sorry for the big pictures, I don't have time to resize them.




Member Name: ~Legoman~


Entry Name: Kohrok Kal


Category: MOC


Explanation: Bigger and stronger than before with shields much better for hand-to-hand combat than before. He has an awesome color scheme, too.





Member name: ~Legoman~


Entry name: Nuhvok Kal


Category: MOC


Explanation: Bigger and stronger than before with shields much better for hand-to-hand combat than before.


I would enter my Lehvak but I don't have time to take pictures before the contest is over.

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Do entries for the drawing category have to be colored? I suck at coloring, and if I tried to color my entry, it would be ruined.

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Here are my entries!




Member Name: Shadow Destroyer


Entry Name: Lehvak Alpha


Topic: Link


Category: MOC


Explanation: Lehvak now has power over vacuum and air, and he is far stronger than before. He hunts down the Toa Nuva tirelessly, wanting revenge. Lehvak Alpha is the leader of the Bohrok Alpha.




Member Name: Shadow Destroyer


Entry Name: Gahlok Alpha


Topic: Link


Explanation: The brute of the Bohrok Alpha, Gahlok Alpha isn't as cunning as Lehvak Alpha, but he is far stronger. He has powers over water and magnetism.




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Here are my last couple of entries! :)




Member Name: Shadow Destroyer


Entry Name: Kohrak Alpha


Topic Link: Topic


Category: MOC


Explanation: Kohrak Alpha has rebuilt his body using Exo-toa parts and shattered ice. He may look like a walking junkpile, but it turns out he is far harder to destroy than all the othe Bohrok Alpha. He now has powers over ice and sound.




Member Name: Shadow Destroyer


Entry Name: Tahnok Alpha


Topic Link: Topic


Category: MOC


Explanation: Lehvak Alpha and the rest of the Bohrok rebuilt Tahnok Kal into Tahnok Alpha. He is far more powerful than he was in his Kal form and he now has powers over fire and electricity.




Member Name: Shadow Destroyer


Entry Name: Pahrak Alpha


Topic Link: Topic


Category: MOC


Explanation: Pahrak used to be one of the slowest of the Bohrok Kal, but when he rebuilt his body he made sure it was faster and more agile. He now has powers over Plasma and stone.




Member Name: Shadow Destroyer


Entry Name: Nuhvok Alpha


Topic Link: Topic


Category: MOC


Explanation: Nuhvok Alpha now has powers over gravity and earth, and his claws are dipped in a lethal venom that can kill an opponent in minutes. He can shoot blasts of condensed gravity out of the arms on his back, and he is almost as strong as Gahlok Alpha.


Yes! I finally got these all in! :happydance:




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Wow, it's been over a month since anyone posted an entry. Well, here we go:




Member Name: Carakki


Entry Name: Pahrak-Kal


Topic Link: Here.


Category: MOC


Explanation:When Pahrak-Kal's Plasma powers were overloaded and he began sinking to the center of the earth, he hit a pocket of energized protodermis that transformed him instead of destroying him, as was previously believed. The energized protodermis, superheated by Pahrak-Kal's shields, turned much of his armor bright red, and enhanced his size and physical power. After the transformation, Pahrak-Kal was left a mottled, mechanical giant, its Plasma powers limited to superheating its newly formed claws to allow them to cut through most substances. However, he was also left with an additional power: the ability to transform into a plasma cannon capable of firing balls of superheated Plasma energy at extremely long range.


There's a larger version of the entry picture in the topic.

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Member Name: Shine


Entry Name: Gahlok-Kal


Topic Link: none


Category: MOC


Explanation: It started as a floating totem head, but then it "grew" feet. I dunno anymore.

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