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This Made Me Lawl Hard

Spoony Bard


This was something you only see on TV and I have never seen it happen in person.


I was at Holyoke Community College using their computers, and as I was going to my car, a girl put her coffee cup on top of her car, and left it there. But that isn't the hilarious part. She drove off with the coffee still on top of her car and I saw it fall over and spill all over the pavement. And she didn't even stop to notice.




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We've lost a couple coffee mugs that way. Also recently we were passing through the border and got pulled over for a random check. Later the guy shows us a half rolled up magazine, which my parents realized they'd left on the roof, and had miraculously stayed there for the hour or so of freeway driving it took to get there.
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What would be even more amazing if it didn't fall off!



Haha I might have to just put some crazy glue there, make sure everyone is looking, purposely leave it there, and drive away with it attached.


That'll be the day.

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My dad left his coffee mug on the roof of his car at least once before, when he was working. People kept giving him thumb-ups and yelled at him, but he never did figure out why until he arrived at his destination and looked on his roof.


That was a long time ago, though, and he may have had a non-slip bottom mug.



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You know what'd be cool? If someone went and attached a bunch of coffee mugs to the roof of their car. Heck, they could even put an entire tea set up there for kicks. Imagine if you were driving along, minding your own business and that suddenly went by. Talk about a double take.

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I did that with my wallet at a gas station once. Luckily, the guy who saw it fall off contacted me and I got it back the same day. I was stressed for a while, though, thinking I would have to replace all my ID and everything. XD



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