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Slightly Off-topic: Licenses



Over the last few days and weeks, LEGO and its partners have announced several new products and licensing deals. These include:

  • Disney (Cars, Prince of Persia, Toy Story)
  • LEGO Rock Band
  • LEGO Harry Potter video games
  • LEGO Ben 10
  • etc.
I've been following threads here and on other online communities in response to these announcements, and I have some comments and reflections.


Most of the Disney announcement was greeting enthusiastically. LEGO Rock Band seemed to be half and half enthusiasm and derision. I haven't actually seen much about the HP video game. But the Ben 10 announcement seems to really have people frothed up.


From what I see, the more familiar/comfortable people are with the licensed property, the happier they are to hear LEGO is doing a license of it. For example, Disney is well known and well respected, and the properties announced seem to be held in regard. From what I've read, many people are looking forward to them.


On the other end of the spectrum, Ben 10 is a popular Cartoon Network show that has a wide fanbase. But the announcement drew instant criticism from LEGO fans (both adults and kids), with a minority of people taking a "wait-n-see" approach. A lot of people are also comparing it to Galidor, which I don't understand, especially since nobody has seen the sets yet.


My main takeaway from this is that LEGO fans apparently equate corporate decisions on a personal level. I think the main critique of the Ben 10 announcement could be summed up as, "Since I don't like or know the show, LEGO is making a bad business decision in licensing it." But if you've been to a Toys 'R Us or Walmart or Carrefour or Intertoys, you'll see a metric ton of Ben 10 merchandise on the shelves. So it can't be that the show doesn't have an audience... clearly it does.


The other key takeaway for me is the unexpectedly large amount of complaints regarding the number of licenses from LEGO these days. I don't really have an opinion on whether a company should produce products from a few or a lot of licensees, but apparently lots of other people do have opinions.


So here are a few questions for you:

  • What do you think of all the licenses LEGO has announced this year?
  • Do you strongly agree or disagree with any in particular? If so, why?
  • Do you think LEGO has too many partners its licensing from?
  • If you disagree with a particular license, is it because you're not familiar with it, or because you think it will not make a good LEGO set?
Before you answer that last (trick) question, remember: you haven't seen any of these sets yet, you don't know what they'll look like or how they'll be marketed - or to who. Don't underestimate the ability of LEGO designers to come up with something cool.


OK - start talking.


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* What do you think of all the licenses LEGO has announced this year?

I'm not familiar with most of them, but I applaud the idea of new licenses. If only Star Trek were included... :P

* Do you strongly agree or disagree with any in particular? If so, why?

No strong (dis)agreements so far. Would probably depend of the quality of the LEGO sets.

* Do you think LEGO has too many partners its licensing from?

Maybe it's just me, but you can never have enough, if you have enough money for the licenses, of course. Otherwise, it'd probably be a good idea to not have too many licenses.

* If you disagree with a particular license, is it because you're not familiar with it, or because you think it will not make a good LEGO set?

If I disagree with a license, it's because of my unfamiliarity with it.

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What do you think of all the licenses LEGO has announced this year?

I haven't been paying attention, since I've been focused on BIONICLE and Space Police (And Power Miners to an extent). Really, licensed themes tend to slip under the radar for me.


Do you strongly agree or disagree with any in particular? If so, why?

I don't really lean either way.


Do you think LEGO has too many partners its licensing from?

No. The good thing is that LEGO has been producing many original themes and lines in addition to the licensed ones, so we get a healthy mix. If the number of licensed themes was disporportionately larger than the number of original themes (As was the case a few years back), I would start to be concerned


If you disagree with a particular license, is it because you're not familiar with it, or because you think it will not make a good LEGO set?

I'd say the latter option. Source material plays a big role in the eventual quality of the set. Best case scenario, we get Star Wars and Indiana Jones. Worst case, we get Spongebob.

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Wait, they're making Prince of Persia sets?! Good God, you guys are AWESOME!!!


Anyway, I hardly think it's worth complaining about; if I don't like the theme, licensed or not, I'll just simply not buy the sets. Not about to freak out just because I'm not a fan of Ben 10; if it makes Lego money, go for it.

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What do you think of all the licenses LEGO has announced this year?

Some are great, others I know nothing about, so I have no opinion on them.

Do you strongly agree or disagree with any in particular? If so, why?

Yes and no. I don't buy LEGO outside of Bionicle, so I've not given it much thought, Although I am on the fence with LEGO Rock Band.

Do you think LEGO has too many partners its licensing from?

No, Licensed sets help out two parties, LEGO, and whoever is giving LEGO the license.

If you disagree with a particular license, is it because you're not familiar with it, or because you think it will not make a good LEGO set?

The only reason I haven't made up my mind on LEGO Rock band is because they caught me by surprise, and I'm waiting to see how LEGO and one of my favorite games mix. Probably will depend more on what songs are in the game than how it will integrate LEGO.


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What do you think of all the licenses LEGO has announced this year?

I think they're all pretty good. Harry Potter and Ben 10 don't really interest me personally, but I don't see anything wrong with them. I think the problem is, Ben 10 is one of those shows which is really cool for the target audience and completely cheesy for anyone older.


Do you strongly agree or disagree with any in particular? If so, why?

Lego Rock Band is absolute genius. =3 I think I like it so much because playing music on stage is viewed as very serious and glamourous, and Lego juxtaposes that as something which is quite innocent and childish. tl;dr = seeing performers who take themselves very seriously incarnated as Lego minifigs is funny.


I like the Toy Story and Cars licences too, but that's simply because I like those movies.


Do you think LEGO has too many partners its licensing from?

Well, not at the moment, but I think concentrating too hard on licences is a danger. It's easy to assume that the people who like, for example, Toy Story will go out and buy Toy Story sets and therefore getting a Toy Story licence is sure to bring a big profit, butit doesn't always work like that. There's also a certain charm to Lego-made themes - Bionicle is proof of that.


If you disagree with a particular license, is it because you're not familiar with it, or because you think it will not make a good LEGO set?

I'm not really sure how to answer that question. I will say this - I love seeing the Lego Spongebob sets just because I like Spongebob, but I've never actually wanted to buy any of them.

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* What do you think of all the licenses LEGO has announced this year?

Meh at best, but probably closer to blech.

* Do you strongly agree or disagree with any in particular? If so, why?

All, in particular, Ben 10 being the worst. Jumping the shark isn't quite the right term, because that point would've been around the end of 2003.

* Do you think LEGO has too many partners its licensing from?


* If you disagree with a particular license, is it because you're not familiar with it, or because you think it will not make a good LEGO set?

Not a lack of familiarity, more a strong dislike of the licenses in question.

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Aahah nice.


The only reason I don't like licensed sets is because there is a master product to base the sets off of and compare it too, and generally, the sets look like a poor imitation and ultimately look bad. Take Cars for instance (didn't even know Lego was doing this), all the cars have been defined, in the movie, to what they should look like. Smooth curves and slick lines. But with bricks and studs, the final product won't look the same and it'll instead look like a poor imitation. It is hard to get the same curves that the original models show with the limitations of Lego bricks.


The original themes just have nothing to compare to and it looks fine even when it is the same quality as the "worse". The Space Police look great, but there isn't anything to compare it too. Ben 10 has something to compare too and due to the limitations of Lego minifigs and bricks, they may not be the best imitations, and thus look poor.


Oh and Ben 10 (I believe) is one of those shows that the teenagers think if they deride, they'll be cool. Like Pokemon (as I remember it) I remember trying to act tough and dislike the show when I secretly liked it. Then I reached a point where it really didn't matter if others thought it was weird or not. I've watched Ben 10 before. It was your average boy cartoon with explosions monsters and other "awesome" things.


EDIT Pressed the wrong button so finished posting.


EDIT2 Also please inform someone that the Lego video game cow is completely dry. Hence why Rock Band and all the new games like Harry Potter and Indiana Jones 2 are so degraded.

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What do you think of all the licenses LEGO has announced this year?


This is going to put Lego in the poor house if they don't sell. Licenses cost money, something Lego, doesn't often have a lot of compared to other companies.


Do you strongly agree or disagree with any in particular? If so, why?


I strongly agree with the Ben 10 decision. It's a popular show about a kid with an awesome alien monster watch. It'll great for minifigs of the individual aliens. There are also multiple vehicles (Rust Bucket set is inevitable if this gets off the ground), there's also the many villians to include in sets.


Do you think LEGO has too many partners its licensing from?




If you disagree with a particular license, is it because you're not familiar with it, or because you think it will not make a good LEGO set?


Because I think it will not make a good Lego set.


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* What do you think of all the licenses LEGO has announced this year?

I don't mind. I think it's cool that they're expanding their sets. But I'm really bummed out that megablocks took Halo.

* Do you strongly agree or disagree with any in particular? If so, why?

I'm fine with them all. And I actually like Ben 10 a bit. There are a lot of points in the old show that are quite cheesy, but alien force is quite a bit more serious. And I like it more for the storyline purposes than anything.

* Do you think LEGO has too many partners its licensing from?

No. We need more. Like Terminator or Halo.

* If you disagree with a particular license, is it because you're not familiar with it, or because you think it will not make a good LEGO set?

If I did disagree, it would have to be because I'm unfamiliar with it.



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Honestly, I'm more interested in the fact that as far as I know, Lego doesn't seem to have any liscences older than Bionicle, or even approaching its age. Three years, at best, before they discontinue it. Out of curiosity, why?



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* What do you think of all the licenses LEGO has announced this year?

I think it is a very wise business decision. It is always important to diversify your product to different audiences. That, and I'm actually okay with Ben 10, I know the brand. (yah know what, they should have Star Trek)

* Do you strongly agree or disagree with any in particular? If so, why?

Not particularly strong with any, but it will be interesting to see all these new brands in the store.

* Do you think LEGO has too many partners its licensing from?

Not at all. It's a good idea to have a lot of allies in the business world.

* If you disagree with a particular license, is it because you're not familiar with it, or because you think it will not make a good LEGO set?


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Honestly, I'm more interested in the fact that as far as I know, Lego doesn't seem to have any liscences older than Bionicle, or even approaching its age.

Star Wars and Harry Potter.



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Well, the whole Ben 10 is blech. But I'm quite interested to see how the Cars turns out. Maybe like a Lightning McQueen to 1:17 scale? He could join my beautiful Ferarri FXX.

And guys, obviously we're never going to se Halo or Terminator or any other violent franchise as Lego. Hello? Non-violence policy. And as Halo is rated 'Mature' Lego couldn't franchise it because their general target audience is not 'Mature'.

And as an opinion I prefer original Lego themes as opposed to licensing. All the Lucasfilm turned out quite well however, though Star Wars kind of peaked in 2006-07.



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And guys, obviously we're never going to se Halo or Terminator or any other violent franchise as Lego.

Halo is not as violent as Star Wars. I made points about that several times. The case with that is Halo is a video game franchise, and Lego does not make sets based on video games.



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And guys, obviously we're never going to se Halo or Terminator or any other violent franchise as Lego.

Halo is not as violent as Star Wars. I made points about that several times. The case with that is Halo is a video game franchise, and Lego does not make sets based on video games.



What about prince of Persia?



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Only if there were Star Trek sets...

1)The amount doesn't annoy me, although it could be less.

2)Disney is great, Rock Band isn't interesting, and seems to be a copy of Guitar Hero, Harry Potter will be interesting, Indiana Jones will be nice also, but Ben 10 doesn't have a good plot, and it would be hard to make sets.

3)It's on the fine line between yes or no. Could be less.

4)I must admit that I'm not very familiar with Ben 10, but from what I've heard of it, it isn't good.

Also, Bink, could you at all suggest the set designers about Star Trek as a license.

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but Ben 10 doesn't have a good plot, and it would be hard to make sets.

You obviously don't know the show. It has a ton of plot. The story and plot is one of the main reasons I watch it. And I'm 15. And what do you mean by "it would be hard to make sets"? Lego could just make new molds. They made trolls didn't they? They've also made dragons, little rock monsters, and much more.

I must admit that I'm not very familiar with Ben 10, but from what I've heard of it, it isn't good.

Which just disproves your other point. How do you know it doesn't have a good plot if you're not familiar with it? Reviews? Friends who might have watched only a bit? Wiki? Do not trust everything you read.



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What do you think of all the licenses LEGO has announced this year?

Ben 10: I could do without

Spongebob: I could do without

Disney: Leaning towards no.

More Star Wars and Indy: Yay!

So I guess it's all about target audience. Or stuff based on movies with a wider audience than children TV shows.


Do you strongly agree or disagree with any in particular? If so, why?

I strongly agree with SW and Indy because they are popular themes/movies and have done very well for LEGO business.

Batman and Spider-Man were pretty awesome, because they are something familiar and action packed, but again based on popular movies (well, comics). (Can we get more comic license?)

I disagree with Spongebob since I think it is an annoying and stupid show, even for kids, but I guess it's done enough for LEGO to continue it.

I know very little about Ben 10. Perhaps LEGO has some cool plans for the kids to enjoy it. But it was surprising to hear of it's license. I disagree because I think LEGO has better things to do/build/focus on.

Cars/Toy Story/other Disney things are meh. I do not really see the point when they seem pretty hard to do well with LEGO. However, Prince of Persia sounds like a genre LEGO has not touched.


Do you think LEGO has too many partners its licensing from?


Star Wars was a good choice (aside from disbanding the general Space theme until the two Mars themes and Space Police), as was Harry Potter. (Though I did enjoy seeing them classic LEGO yellow and not flesh.) When Indy started up I said to myself "why not just bring back Adventurers?" but now I see that it was a very popular theme and some cool sets, plus back then I had only seen the first Indy movie. (That does not mean, however, that I think I'll watch some Ben 10 and change my mind.)

There are other licenses that I would prefer not to see on the shelves so that LEGO can focus energies elsewhere to make some NEW, creative themes. However, if LEGO isn't losing money...


If you disagree with a particular license, is it because you're not familiar with it, or because you think it will not make a good LEGO set?

Both? Actually, I think I'll say because I don't think it will make good sets. Even if I'm not familiar enough with something, I might know a tad to make a judgment.

(Wow, it really is a trick question. I don't know how to really answer, shortly. I do wish LEGO would pick up something that all ages of fans can smile at. I guess sticking to movies is a strong choice.)


All in all, as long as LEGO isn't loosing money...



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What do you think of all the licenses LEGO has announced this year?

Aside from the sheer overkill of so many, I'm perfectly fine with it.


Do you strongly agree or disagree with any in particular? If so, why?

I could probably do without LEGO Rock Band, but that's probably out of sheer redundancy.


Do you think LEGO has too many partners its licensing from?

Waaaaay too many, it seems.


If you disagree with a particular license, is it because you're not familiar with it, or because you think it will not make a good LEGO set?

The thing is, I just don't see how LEGO Rock Band can really add anything to either of the franchises.

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What do you think of all the licenses LEGO has announced this year?

Really, I do think it is a good thing even if I am unfamiliar with the franchises. Lego is a toy designed for kids, and Lego is making business agreements with other companies that markets things towards kids. Really it comes down to making money, and if they team up and bring popular themes together they can create some good moneymakers. People shouldn't hate them because they don't know about a certain one is kind of pointless, obviously some people do think it is a good idea to combine them. Ben 10 for example, Lego makes sets of it and a kid sees an awesome new set about Ben 10. Let us say this kid doesn't know about Ben 10, he might go find out more about it after playing with his new Lego set. Who wins? Lego and Cartoon Network. A new viewer gained from marking a toy as popular as Lego about it.


Do you strongly agree or disagree with any in particular? If so, why?

Really, I can't really say. Depending on what is done with Disney it could be good or bad. I might like it, I might not.

Lego Rock Band has me intrigued but I doubt I'll get it as of right now due to the fact that I'm not a huge fan of rhythm games.

Lego Harry Potter I figured would have been announced quite a while ago, but I never really got into the sets. I'll keep my eyes on it, however I hope it is a bit different from other Lego games. The formula is getting a bit stale.

Lego Ben 10 is interesting, and I'm not going to lie, I've seen the show. Compared to a lot of other cartoons that are made it is actually really good. I think regardless of what a lot of Lego fans think, it could be a hit with the kids.


Do you think LEGO has too many partners its licensing from?

Nope. You can always have more. The trick is deciding good licensing partners so that both partners can profit. Also, Lego should totally partner with Nintendo.


If you disagree with a particular license, is it because you're not familiar with it, or because you think it will not make a good LEGO set?

I don't really disagree with them. Like I said it is a business, and Lego wants a profit. It they make a profit then it is a good decision. Are there things I'd love to see made out of Lego? You bet there are. However, it is hard to say how many people that would please. Lego wants to appeal to kids, and so they plan to make Lego sets for kids. Whether or not the sets will be good... I'll wait until I see them to decide. If a set is good in an interesting theme, I'll pick it up. It depends on the set. And the pieces in the set.



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And guys, obviously we're never going to se Halo or Terminator or any other violent franchise as Lego.

Halo is not as violent as Star Wars. I made points about that several times. The case with that is Halo is a video game franchise, and Lego does not make sets based on video games.



What about prince of Persia?



Thats based off the movie, not the video game.



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  • What do you think of all the licenses LEGO has announced this year?
  • Do you strongly agree or disagree with any in particular? If so, why?
  • Do you think LEGO has too many partners its licensing from?
  • If you disagree with a particular license, is it because you're not familiar with it, or because you think it will not make a good LEGO set?

1. They seem pretty awesome.

2. I disagree with Ben 10 and Cars. They're just to childish for me. I strongly agree with Lego Rock Band and Prince Of Persia. Both awesome themes, in my opinion.

3. Nope, not at all

4. Because it probably won't make a good set

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