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You must tell me where to find him!



He's gone again now. He was using the library's computer.

What or who is Jinzo? :o




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*looks up jinzo on google*







What? You don't know who Jinzo is? :(



According to google, it's this thing:





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Wow, a bunch of deprived BZPers. . . Jinzo's a God MoCist. And he's a cool person as well.


. . . and apparently a fish? lol




Not the Yugio character, Jinzoningen.


I speeld dat rong.

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Full name "JINZONINGEN 73", I think. I know, he's still active elsewhere, but not here. I'm almost grateful-- while I can tolerate his sarcastic edge to an extent, based on his Brickshelf he might be the sort to complain about silly things like this. :wacko:

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Full name "JINZONINGEN 73", I think. I know, he's still active elsewhere, but not here. I'm almost grateful-- while I can tolerate his sarcastic edge to an extent, based on his Brickshelf he might be the sort to complain about silly things like this. :wacko:

I believe there's something known as "crossing the line" which would apply perfectly to this comment.


Last fething straw, and I'd insult you if the rules permitted it, because I do, contrary to popular belief, get angry.

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Full name "JINZONINGEN 73", I think. I know, he's still active elsewhere, but not here. I'm almost grateful-- while I can tolerate his sarcastic edge to an extent, based on his Brickshelf he might be the sort to complain about silly things like this. :wacko:

I believe there's something known as "crossing the line" which would apply perfectly to this comment.


Last fething straw, and I'd insult you if the rules permitted it, because I do, contrary to popular belief, get angry.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize I'd said anything remotely offensive.

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Aanchir, I've seen you complain about complainers, and I really just think you need to realize that complaining is just part of being human. Everyone does it and most of the time, it is a legitimate reason. If they don't like it, they will complain. You can't just suck it up all the time, which you are also an example of.


Also Jinzo sarcastically complains about those things and almost ALL of the time, the points are completely legitimate. I mean that is barely a difference, but still, they could have used that much less plastic and made it symmetrical.


And he's a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.


EDIT Dang I took a long time again. >>

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Aanchir, I've seen you complain about complainers, and I really just think you need to realize that complaining is just part of being human. Everyone does it and most of the time, it is a legitimate reason. If they don't like it, they will complain. You can't just suck it up all the time, which you are also an example of.


Also Jinzo sarcastically complains about those things and almost ALL of the time, the points are completely legitimate. I mean that is barely a difference, but still, they could have used that much less plastic and made it symmetrical.


And he's a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.


EDIT Dang I took a long time again. >>

Well, I'm sorry. I try not to complain about complainers too often, but when people complain over stuff to a certain extent it becomes next to meaningless. From his Brickshelf alone I wasn't able to see the sarcasm, just a lot of complaints spent somewhere that doesn't merit nearly that much complaining. Sometimes stuff is better when it's not symmetrical, and I don't see how making some of those parts symmetrical would have vastly increased their MOCing potential.


I don't doubt that he's a capable MOCist, but I haven't seen a BIONICLE MOC from him in a long time and thus don't really see what he could have to contribute here. I could beg everyone to stay active on BZP forever and ever and ever, but often, as you point out yourself, people do have legitimate reasons for their feelings, and I think Jinzo can indeed contribute a lot more elsewhere than the BIONICLE-centric BZPower. And I won't deny it-- browsing his contributions elsewhere sometimes makes me LOL. As I said, I can tolerate his sarcasm (although being sarcastic is obviously something I myself can't do very well without bringing a bunch of people to hate me, for whatever reason).


As for me "sucking it up all the time," I don't see how I'm an example of that. I complain when I feel something deserves complaints; many of my preliminary set reviews I post in my blog have overall negative or skeptical natures, and I don't just start "pretending" to like the set when it is finalized. I actually come to like many sets, however, and find myself very upset when people start generalizing people who actually like sets as noobs or ignorant seven-year-olds. That happens terribly often, and it's that sort of generalization that causes me to rebuke the complainers with my own points.

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Yeah but complaining about peoples opinions isn't nice.

As much as I want to see this play out, maybe continuing this via PM (if there's anything to continue) would be better?

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There is nothing to continue.


EDIT and I wasn't saying the piece is bad asymmetrical, I was just saying Jinzo has a valid point.

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Off-topic discussion is off-topic.


Jinzo's been pretty much offline all around since March. Whenever he makes his comeback, it'll be "Oh frabjous day / Callooh! Callay!" for me. :P



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