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Wanna Go To...

Lady Kopaka


...Brickfair. ;.;


It’d be a great vacation! Or I think, anyway. Never really had one before, so maybe I’ll have the courage to talk to my parents about it…oh, I really want to, I really just want to get out! Doing school throughout the entire year is a killer! I'm only about eight hours away this time since moving! I think I have a chance...just money is the major issue. I think I know what I'm saving my spare bucks from commissioning for. :]


Who else is/maybe going? I'm very excited!


Also guys, don't forget the Glitch auditioning deadline is tomorrow, I'm looking forward to the final casting! :)


...oh and I drew HB Komas, without goggles. Who would be interested in seeing that? :3


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I am going and I want you to come and that Komas drawing is SO AWESOME... but you knew all of that already. D:



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...oh and I drew HB Komas, without goggles. Who would be interested in seeing that? :3


:o YES.


Ooh, I hope you do get to go to Brickfair! Just going to Brickfest for a few hours and meeting other BZPers and having all that Lego around was awesome.

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I'll be going! So if you make it I'll get to meet you, maybe! =D


Daaaang I'd better come up with some stuff to commish. 'Specially if the list isn't full. :]


*is one of the lucky ones who's already seen the closely guarded secret that is Komas's eyes*


*...although not as lucky as the fangirls who have seen it =P *

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Come to Brickfair! If you do I will try and remember to this year! :P


As for the Glitch casting, I would, but


1. The only role left I think I can actually do justice is Vheon, and with actual British people with actual British accents on here I doubt I'd get it.

2. I somehow don't thin talking to people who aren't there in a British accent would do much good for me with my mother. :P

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Oooh, ouch. Asking permission from parents is always the hardest part. gl with that.


Yeah, I agree with Omi, flights are dumb. I used to vomit all the time. Now I almost vomit, but my stomach is just strong enough to hold it in but also keep me miserable. =\

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I wish I could go...but noooo, school will have started by then, and my parents would never agree to let me miss school for a Lego convention.xD Eh, when I move out of the house, I am SO going.


How much more money do you need? I would -totally- commission you to draw...um...I dunno, one of my more neglected characters, maybe? That would be spiffy, I have some money I have nothing to buy with...and it's a good cause!


Now get on IM, for Komassake.



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My mom says if I can check to see how much money it can be and if I pay, I may be able to go. Yay~<3



Then I shall post it soon. :]


How much more money do you need? I would -totally- commission you to draw...um...I dunno, one of my more neglected characters, maybe? That would be spiffy, I have some money I have nothing to buy with...and it's a good cause!

I'm not 100% sure, but right right...as of now, I am now accepting donations for the "HELP GET LK TO BRICKFAIR".


Yeah, I agree with Omi, flights are dumb. I used to vomit all the time. Now I almost vomit, but my stomach is just strong enough to hold it in but also keep me miserable. =\

I actually like flying, but I think it's a waste of money when I only have to go across half a state or so to get there.

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I'm so mad! I live within 2 hours of Tyson's corner, and I'll be gone that week!



~ :e: :e: :k: :m_o:


Lol, you live two hours away and wont be going, and I live eight hours away and is still going.


And yes. GO.

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