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I thought it was a great movie after one view. After like, a freakin' year, I watched it again.


It's a good/okay movie. Replay value: Two views, then you've had your fill.



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I wasn't, though it's not really a movie I'd watch over and over (Like AA said); but then again I understand why some may be. My dad hated it.
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It all depends on what you were looking for, I think. If you wanted the best movie of all time, that's not what it was. If you wanted a super hero movie with moral dilemmas thrown at you, you'd probably be happier.

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Well I liked it. It may be a movie you have to gear yourself up to watching, but I wouldn't say I was disappointed. A little confused the first time maybe, because I missed out on a couple of plot points when my Dad had an epileptic fit in the cinema, but nothing a watch of the DVD couldn't sort out :P

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I thought it was awesome. I'm not a serious Batman fan or anything, but that was pretty darn dramatic, and had some very meaningful and complex themes.

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Let's see...alot what makes a movie worthwhile for me is the soundtrack and comic relief, so while the psychology and story of TDK were pretty nasty and the Joker plain freaky scary I enjoyed those moments very much, without the movie loosing it's general feel, which makes it a great movie for me.

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