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Harry Slaughter



Snape kills Dumbledore.

Harry kills Snape.

Voldy kills Harry.

Ron kills Voldy.

Bellatrix kills Ron.

Hermoine kills Bellatrix.

Krum commits suicide.

Suicide kills all wizards.

Dudley kills everyone else.

Dudley has a heart attack.

Meteor kills planet.

Universe explodes.

Keyboard cat reigns.

All your base are belong to him. B)


In conclusion:






So... who else is going to go see HP6?


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I might see it tomorrow with my sister, her boyfriend and my brother, but I don't know for sure yet.


R U???

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Why was suicide so committed to kill everybody on Krum's orders? And I don't get how one planet's destruction leads to the whole universe ending... really?



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Xccj- The suicide was paid off by Krum. As to the planet portion.. there's a prophecy that states.


Neither can live if the other one dies.


Leader- The 7th book, is rumored to be about how internet memes came to be.


Visari- Nice.

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Xccj- The suicide was paid off by Krum. As to the planet portion.. there's a prophecy that states.


Neither can live if the other one dies.

That's like you're a big giant robot and have smaller, little robots living and working inside you. One of them dies from jumping in front of a Rahkshi blast... and then you die too? Naw, it just doesn't make sense. :P



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Sephiroth summoned the Meteor.


Then Cloud kills Sephiroth.


And before any of that happens, Sephiroth kills everyone with a Stage 3 Lightning Materia. Or his 10-foot-long sword.




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That was the amazingest passage ever Exo.


I'm going to see HP6 with my sister so my mom can go see "The Orphan" however, we must wait for The Orphan to come out XP

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(S)Laughter is the best medicine. :P


But yeah, I'm going to see it. Seems to be pretty good as of now, it getting good reviews and stuff.

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