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The New Addition

Lady Kopaka


EDIT: Here's a new picture of my baby, and I finally decided to call him Jethro Gibbs (as much as I love Mowgli, Gibbs suits him more).





(darn little guy did not want a decent picture of him)


I'm feeling very special at the moment. Would you believe how hard it was to actually find a kitten?


He's so sweet, and warming up to me--maybe too much. He woke me up at 5AM this morning nibbling on my nose. Well, at least I didn't sleep in for once. And this is really good for me. I'll be able to worry about something than just myself. I really needed this in life for a lot of reasons.


Still thinking of a name. Suggestions? I've been leaning toward Mowgli and Jethro Gibbs...but I have no idea, really.


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Aww... He's cute. :bigsmile: I like Jethro Gibbs, But if you want my opinion I think Mungojerrie, and Mistoffelees are good names. :P



:s: :a: :k:

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It's a kitten! :lol:


I'd say my best shot at a name would probably be something Bionicle-related, unfortunately. Something like "Taka". That would probably end up sounding too much like "taco", though. :P


By the way, out of curiosity, do you have comments on your profile disabled or are you not tending to them?

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Aw, Mowgli's a cute name! =3


But OMG IT'S A KITTYYYY. I haven't had a kitty that small since I was like 6. D'aaaaw. <3



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Contrary to popular belief, I like kittens. And this cute little guy is an example why.


As nice as Mowgli is, maybe something more symbolic to his connection to you and your need of him? In Persian, "dust" is "friend" and it is a very simplistic name. You could also take another translation of "dust" reflecting on the delicate thing that kitty is and the friendship you develop with it. Dust is, after all, delicate-- one whiff and it blows away, meaning that you should treasure and cherish every moment with the cat.


Just me, though. And I suck at naming pets. XD



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By the way, out of curiosity, do you have comments on your profile disabled or are you not tending to them?

Wait are they disabled or something?


Whoops. Fixing that now...I was wondering why I wasn't getting any comments. *facepalm*

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Mowgli. Trust me.... it's a good name.

Little story, mom cat walts in my house with kittens we name them Hobbes and Mow (Mowgli). BUT when we gave them away, we here that Hobbes died. And the cat looks just like him. It's very touching to have a kitten. =)

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I like Gibbs, but only the last name.

Depending on the kitten's personality ou can call him/her anything from Screwball to Fuzzmuffin

. . .

Not that those are the best suggestions.

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By the way, out of curiosity, do you have comments on your profile disabled or are you not tending to them?

Wait are they disabled or something?


Whoops. Fixing that now...I was wondering why I wasn't getting any comments. *facepalm*


I was wondering too. :P


Gibbs sounds okay by the way. :) It reminds me of Tibbs for some reason, and it's driving me nuts 'cause I can't figure it out. *lol*


EDIT: I think I've got it. Wasn't Sgt. Tibbs the name of the cat on the original "101 Dalmations"?

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Heh, I think you're right. I went for Gibbs because it suits him...and well, I'm a good-for-nothin' NCIS fanatic. You guys should be thankful I didn't go as far as calling him Altaïr ibn La-Ahad or Ishikawa.

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Aww...if the second image was a bit bigger I'd set as my wallpaper, I've always wanted a little kitty. ^^ Any chance you'll have more pictures of the little fellow sometime soon?

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Yay, Gibbs! Gotta' love NCIS! Gibbs is making me think of cats that I had that stayed kitten sized. The were so cute, but we had to give them away... :( The new picture is cute :wub: (my sister thinks that th "M" on his forehead is cute)



:s: :a: :k:

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The two cats that I ended up naming were Carbine and Moses Malone Magillicutty M'Greening so I wouldn't trust myself with the name of your kitten. :P


Carbine was a girl, by the way. XD

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*sreams* OHMYGOSH he's such a cutey ^~^

I think gibb's cuz it sounds like nibb and when you put it with the 2nd word ble, all together in a way sounds like Nibble. Seeing that he nibbled your nose :P

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