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Bionicle: Tlr



Lately, I am getting a lot of PMs from people saying they have seen the new BIONICLE movie (which, to the best of my knowledge, has only had two screenings so far, one of which was in Billund where I don't think too many of you live). A few people have admitted that they are watching pirated copies of the film.


So I am going to ask that you DO NOT send me questions based on watching illegal copies of the movie. You are putting me in a very uncomfortable position by doing so. As a colleague of Threshold and an employee of LEGO Company, I would be obligated to report you (and yes, I have no doubt BZP would hand your names over to the authorities if asked). I don't want to do that, so please stop putting me in a position of having to do so.


Watching a pirated version rather than renting or buying a copy makes it less likely there will be future movies. Upcoming projects get green-lit only if TLR sells enough copies. If it doesn't, you can pretty much forget new DVDs in future.




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Some people just don't care for the troubles of selling movies, do they? :glare:

Well, it will be a shame if there aren't any more, because they're getting better each new movie.

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In Australia it's been released already. And some poeple have got some copies as far as I know. (I mean orginal ones)


Most people watching those kind of copies are saying they will be buying it. It's not like I like (or they like, too) having a copy of a movie on my computer, even if it is ripped from a DVD, when I can buy a DVD for 15 Euros, or a Blu-Ray and watch it on HD, plus extra features everytime I want.


People is just anxious, and having copies selling in different places at different times doesn't help. I think you could issue this to Universal for the next time :)

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There were already 63 screenings in 21 different cinemas in Poland. I attended two of them. Tommorow there will be another 21 screenings.


Also, I doubt that BZP has the names of all the users. It wasn't required information during the registration.

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There were already 63 screenings in 21 different cinemas in Poland. I attended two of them. Tommorow there will be another 21 screenings.


Also, I doubt that BZP has the names of all the users. It wasn't required information during the registration.


You do realize that they can find out about that via IP and other information. It's not too much investigationg for the authorities to find out things like that.


All I can say is, if a movie is good enough I'll buy the DVD. And what I've seen so far was promising.

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Pirating Movies is bad

And if it leads to no more BIONICLE movies, It's REALLY bad

I know an Ausie that says he bought a copy already

Makes me wish I lived in Australia

BTW: When does TLR release US?



Pirates Lose to Ninjas

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Pirating TLR? Tsk tsk.

I am definetly going to pick a copy as soon as I can get a chance to, because what I've seen so far looks amazing.


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Is it really a good idea to say that in the writerof TLR's blog? :P


He didn't write the script for TLR. But he did approve it.

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In Australia it's been released already. And some poeple have got some copies as far as I know. (I mean orginal ones)


Most people watching those kind of copies are saying they will be buying it. It's not like I like (or they like, too) having a copy of a movie on my computer, even if it is ripped from a DVD, when I can buy a DVD for 15 Euros, or a Blu-Ray and watch it on HD, plus extra features everytime I want.


People is just anxious, and having copies selling in different places at different times doesn't help. I think you could issue this to Universal for the next time :)

My friend (who invited me to watch the movie with him) said something about preordering it from an Australian website.



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Is it really a good idea to say that in the writerof TLR's blog? :P


He didn't write the script for TLR. But he did approve it.

He didn't? :P Whoops. :P


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Is it really a good idea to say that in the writerof TLR's blog? :P


He didn't write the script for TLR. But he did approve it.

He didn't? :P Whoops. :P


Technically, he did. He wrote the story, Sean Derek did the scripts.

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Yeah, that's what I thought. If people watch it illegally and don't buy it, it doesn't make money, discouraging them from making another.

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Yeah, that's what I thought. If people watch it illegally and don't buy it, it doesn't make money, discouraging them from making another.


Unless they do watch it illegaly because their country´s release date is so late and they don´t want to read spoilers wherever they look. They, of course, buy the DVD once released since the quality of those copies usually sucks and they want to support future Bionicle movies and fully enjoy the movie.

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Yeah, that's what I thought. If people watch it illegally and don't buy it, it doesn't make money, discouraging them from making another.


Unless they do watch it illegaly because their country´s release date is so late and they don´t want to read spoilers wherever they look. They, of course, buy the DVD once released since the quality of those copies usually sucks and they want to support future Bionicle movies and fully enjoy the movie.


Well I somewhat doubt it, most people are too cheap to care of quality over just watching it.


But, you kinda just said what if they do the opposite of what I just said.

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Is it really a good idea to say that in the writerof TLR's blog? :P


He didn't write the script for TLR. But he did approve it.

He didn't? :P Whoops. :P


Technically, he did. He wrote the story, Sean Derek did the scripts.


SERIOUSLY? TLR's script was approved by Greg? How? Did Sean Derek slip something in his drink? Was it an earlier draft that was approved, as opposed to the final draft?


TLR's story was great, yes, but its execution in the movie was undeniably awful. We had a great trend going: MoL was good, LoMN was great, WoS was awesome, and now TLR tripped over itself more times than I can count.


The dialogue was somewhat-tolerable as it was written, but the voice acting destroyed it. Every joke fell flat, every dramatic pronouncement felt predictable, and every meaningful line lacked oomph. On top of that, there was the soundtrack and sound effects; gone are Nathan Furst's sweepingly majestic tracks and fitting leitmotifs, replaced by wholly forgettable cliche cartoon background tunes, and the sound effects were all pulled from a massive bin labeled "stock cartoon sound effects". And, just to rub further salt in the wound, the animation quality was inconsistent: characters were rendered beautifully, I'll admit, (though they looked more robotic than the previous film characters, despite the little detail about them being supposedly mostly organic) but objects had a sparkly-clean look that produced a rather jarring contrast, though the contrast was not nearly as stark as the contrast between the beautifully animated characters and the third-rate-PS2-launch-title backgrounds and environments. On top of that, the characters lost their beautiful rendering during fight sequences, which ended up looking less like actual characters fighting and more like mere toys pitted against one another. The film seems to be trying to be a Disney animated comedy (complete with cartoonish slapstick), which really strikes a painful contrast with the tone of every other piece of BIONICLE canon we've been presented with since 2001.


Give the films back to Miramax. They seemed to be trying their best to prove that "direct-to-DVD" doesn't mean the same thing as "shovelware". Tinseltown Toons seemed to be actively trying to take a great story and destroy it.


EDIT: Yes, I did purchase TLR before watching it.

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Is it really a good idea to say that in the writerof TLR's blog? :P


He didn't write the script for TLR. But he did approve it.

He didn't? :P Whoops. :P


Technically, he did. He wrote the story, Sean Derek did the scripts.


SERIOUSLY? TLR's script was approved by Greg? How? Did Sean Derek slip something in his drink? Was it an earlier draft that was approved, as opposed to the final draft?


TLR's story was great, yes, but its execution in the movie was undeniably awful. We had a great trend going: MoL was good, LoMN was great, WoS was awesome, and now TLR tripped over itself more times than I can count.


The dialogue was somewhat-tolerable as it was written, but the voice acting destroyed it. Every joke fell flat, every dramatic pronouncement felt predictable, and every meaningful line lacked oomph. On top of that, there was the soundtrack and sound effects; gone are Nathan Furst's sweepingly majestic tracks and fitting leitmotifs, replaced by wholly forgettable cliche cartoon background tunes, and the sound effects were all pulled from a massive bin labeled "stock cartoon sound effects". And, just to rub further salt in the wound, the animation quality was inconsistent: characters were rendered beautifully, I'll admit, (though they looked more robotic than the previous film characters, despite the little detail about them being supposedly mostly organic) but objects had a sparkly-clean look that produced a rather jarring contrast, though the contrast was not nearly as stark as the contrast between the beautifully animated characters and the third-rate-PS2-launch-title backgrounds and environments. On top of that, the characters lost their beautiful rendering during fight sequences, which ended up looking less like actual characters fighting and more like mere toys pitted against one another. The film seems to be trying to be a Disney animated comedy (complete with cartoonish slapstick), which really strikes a painful contrast with the tone of every other piece of BIONICLE canon we've been presented with since 2001.


Give the films back to Miramax. They seemed to be trying their best to prove that "direct-to-DVD" doesn't mean the same thing as "shovelware". Tinseltown Toons seemed to be actively trying to take a great story and destroy it.


EDIT: Yes, I did purchase TLR before watching it.

I notice that you insult GregF and Sean Derek for the scripting process, but not one of your complaints has a thing to do with the script. I guess you're just looking for someone to blame?


Moreover, most of your complaints are just personal opinions-- I, for instance, loved the voice acting, loved the animation, and loved the music. The only place I thought the film suffered was the transitions between scenes, which were often jarring and gave the impression that some transitional scene got left out. Assuming you're referring to rocks and such when you say "objects", you have a bit of a point, though I think the sparkliness of the Glatorian weapons was top-notch.


Meanwhile, I haven't been disappointed in any Disney animated comedy, and most that I've seen are actually quite meaningful in spite of comic moments. TLR obviously isn't as good as Wall-E or other films that the whole world can watch, love, and understand, but it still impressed me a great deal.


EDIT: And concerning your last paragraph, you're making a big assumption that Miramax still wants to do BIONICLE films, or that BIONICLE can afford Miramax. Not that I'm going to assume they don't or can't. You're also comparing Tinseltown Toons (an animation studio) to Miramax, which was not the animation studio of the first three movies: Creative Capers was. Please try to do your research before playing the blame game (or what your post dangerously approaches, the flame game).

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