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Turkii's Life Dreams

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


  • Become a Lifetime Premier Member (Thank youuuu, Avohkah Tamer! *Glomp*)
  • Hold up a sign
  • Get stuck on a broken amusement park ride
  • Eat a giant lollipop
  • Hug a BZPer
  • Fall asleep on a boy's shoulder
  • Sing karaoke
  • Freefall
  • Get a colored streak in my hair
  • Ride in an ambulance
  • Glomp a Master Chief cardboard cutout
  • Make a true best friend
  • Slip on a banana peel
  • Get lost in a foreign country
  • Draw something at which people say "Woooah!" as a pure gut reaction
  • Discover a person I like happens to like me back (and then faint)
  • Get struck by lightning
  • Get officially rickrolled
  • Hug an emo





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* Become a Lifetime Premier Member (Thank youuuu, Avohkah Tamer! *Glomp*)


Still working on that.


* Hold up a sign


Done that.


* Get stuck on a broken amusement park ride


I know I've had that happen to me at least once.


* Eat a giant lollipop


I remember this one girl came to school with one of those. Everybody just gawked. Being the one of the usual subjects of teasing from the science teacher, who made blond jokes about her, he of course commented. It took several days before the finished it.


* Hug a BZPer


I'm not sure if I'd want to do that. I'd like to meet bonesiii or EmperorWhenua, but somehow I usually imagine myself wearing a full-blown tuxedo and only shaking hands. Besides, they're guys, and I'm a guy. Guys bear hug during football games, but that's about it.


* Fall asleep on a boy's shoulder


:blink: Okay, that's the most shocking on the list. Obviously, I don't share the same ambition, being a boy myself. Although I can attest to wishing to be the place of a boy who has a girl fall asleep on his shoulder. I imagine the moment taking place after a wedding, specifically.


* Sing karaoke


I cringe at the thought, because I've done it. I think it's embarrassing and silly.


* Freefall


Haven't done it, but I know that George Bush Sr. has. According to Jr, is was insane and awesome at the same time. I'll have to consider skydiving sometime too.


* Get a colored streak in my hair


That doesn't sound bad. According to my personal tastes, I recommend the color silver, but that's just me, of course. I'm considering going with that color, the only difference being that I will have many streaks. My hair isn't as long as most girls'.


* Ride in an ambulance


I'm not sure why that would be an ambition. I haven't done it, and I would rather be flown by helicopter.


* Glomp a Master Chief cardboard cutout


Glomp? Not sure what that means, but I bet I haven't done it, because I've never seen a Master Chief cutout before.


* Make a true best friend


I've done it before. Bad news: that person's no longer in my life. Was good while it lasted, though. This is a noble concern of yours, Turakii.


* Slip on a banana peel


Now that you mention it, how easy is it to actually slip on a banana peel? Never happened to me.


* Get lost in a foreign country


Hasn't happened to me, but someday I hope to visit Netherland, Germany, and Italy, and Greece too if I ever have the time. Chances are I'll get lost.


* Draw something at which people say "Woooah!" as a pure gut reaction


Been there, done that.


* Discover a person I like happens to like me back (and then faint)


I've had the suspicion, but right now...Well, in my most recent blog entry, my poem describes something relating to this situation. Don't want to discuss it.


Although if she liked me back, I wouldn't faint. I'd do a little dance or something.


* Get struck by lightning


Good luck with that. It should give you the best excuse ever for not getting your homework done.


* Get officially rickrolled


That shouldn't be too hard. It's happened to be plenty of times. I don't mind.


* Hug an emo


I know an Emo in my school, but my reaction is to swerve out of her way. I don't think I'll ever be hugging emos any time soon.


Live long and prosper.

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Become a Lifetime Premier Member

Nope,never gonna happen. D=

Hold up a sign

Get stuck on a broken amusement park ride

Eat a giant lollipop

Hug a BZPer

Fall asleep on a boy's shoulder[No way.]

Sing karaoke


Get a colored streak in my hair

Ride in an ambulance

Glomp a Master Chief cardboard cutout

Make a true best friend

Slip on a banana peel

Get lost in a foreign country

Draw something at which people say "Woooah!" as a pure gut reaction

Discover a person I like happens to like me back (and then faint)

Get struck by lightning

Get officially rickrolled

Hug an emo



Darn my life is wasted. D=


Hmm..I could help you by leaving out banana peels everywhere?

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Become a Lifetime Premier Member? (I'm honestly not sure if my PMship is lifetime or one year)

•Hold up a sign

•Get stuck on a broken amusement park ride

•Eat a giant lollipop

•Hug a BZPer

•Fall asleep on a boy's shoulder (I'd happily volunteer to be the boy)

•Sing karaoke


•Get a colored streak in my hair

•Ride in an ambulance

•Glomp a Master Chief cardboard cutout

•Make a true best friend

•Slip on a banana peel

Get lost in a foreign country

•Draw something at which people say "Woooah!" as a pure gut reaction

•Discover a person I like happens to like me back (and then faint)

•Get struck by lightning

Get officially rickrolled

•Hug an emo

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