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Official I Agwee Tribute Tuesday Five



I dedicate this Tuesday Five to the memory of the I Agwee banners.

  • On a scale of 1 to 100, how awesome are Spitty and the I Agwee banners?
  • What browser do you use?
  • If you could have any computer-related skill, what would it be?
  • What year of school are you in?
  • Most humorous thing you've ever seen happen in this blog?



Recommended Comments

1. On a scale of 1 to 100, it would definitely be a penguin.*

2. Safari.

3. I likely already have it.

4. 11th grade.

5. This.


*Stolen and modified from Nukaya Cloud Fire


-=< :s: >=-

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•Internet Explorer

•To understand HTML. :(

•14th grade. :o

•Fruit War II



I can teach you that, Niki. :P


-=< :s: >=-

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•Internet Explorer

•To understand HTML. :(

•14th grade. :o

•Fruit War II



I can teach you that, Niki. :P


-=< :s: >=-

I know all that spiffy html stuffs too. B)


It's super easy Niki, & once you learn that it's not hard to learn CSS, PHP & XML. ;D

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I have a working knowledge of HTML, but all I can do with CSS is modify known values (like color hex numbers and dimensions) to suit my needs--other than that, CSS is over my head.


Speaking of which, Sunny, I was working on the website I did for my boss... is it possible to embed an imagine in the CSS?


Anyway, all that aside, my answer to question #3 would be the ability to grasp a 3D generator. I'd neeed to take a course to be able to use one, they look so complicated outwardly.

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1) Purple ussal crab.

2) Firefooooox!

3) The ability to make my computer behave itself.._.

4) Junior in high school.

5) If this question were answered, the world would explode. Therefore I vote Null.



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  • iagwee.gif
  • iagweemacs.gif
  • iagweegrweatsingr.gif
  • iagweewatumeen.gif
  • iagweefruit.gif
...Somehow I think this poll is baited. Those answers aren't all true, necessarily. But there's a prize for getting the Tribute Tuesday Party Password right, I hope? Maybe a Ford Edge? Or at least an iPod Touch?


OK, you've got me, Apple's not a browser. Just pretend it's the little finderman and the answers almost fit the questions. Almost.



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Runcible, at the very least.


The ability to make 3D models. Oh wait I already do huh.

Idk. Unstructured homeschool for win.

Fruit War. If that was this blog. I have a headache and my memory committed suicide.

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* On a scale of 1 to 100, how awesome are Spitty and the I Agwee banners?


* What browser do you use?

Sometimes I use Firefox, other times I use Internet Explorer.

* If you could have any computer-related skill, what would it be?

The ability to sprite without touching the keyboard.

* What year of school are you in?

liek lulz imma ninth graddr imma furshmenn!!1111!!!

* Most humorous thing you've ever seen happen in this blog?

Actually, I've seen things only after they've happened. See, BZP isn't advanced enough to add comments to the page as they're being made unless you refresh it. And you wouldn't see them happen then either.

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On a scale of 1 to 100, how awesome are Spitty and the I Agwee banners?

OVER 9000


What browser do you use?

Firefox <3


If you could have any computer-related skill, what would it be?

Printing money.


What year of school are you in?



Most humorous thing you've ever seen happen in this blog?

It hasn't even happened yet, but I know what is. ...No, I'm not giving it away for everyone. :P

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Most humorous thing you've ever seen happen in this blog?

It hasn't even happened yet, but I know what is. ...No, I'm not giving it away for everyone. :P

Well at least tell me, because I have no clue what you're talking about. :P

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1. 100. Although you take it up to 101.

2. Phoyerphox.

3. The skill to actually make good comics.

4. Year 8- not sure what you call it in America.


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Most humorous thing you've ever seen happen in this blog?

It hasn't even happened yet, but I know what is. ...No, I'm not giving it away for everyone. :P

Well at least tell me, because I have no clue what you're talking about. :P

Sometimes, even I'm not sure what I'm foreseeing...


(If you're still taking me seriously at this point, lol. :P)

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