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Swine Flu - Excuse Me, H1n1



Someone posted a status on Facebook saying that a guy at their party had the swine flu. So now it could be going around my school. Anyone know the symptoms for it? I think I have the cold bug that's going around my school too, but it's probably a good idea not to take any chances, considering all the bad stuff we hear about H1N1.


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That's what I kept trying to tell my friend, but he said it was just as deadly as influenza. Then, I have no idea how deadly influenza is, so...for some reason, I don't think it's that bad, though.


Yeah, definitely overhyped, I'm guessing because it doesn't have a cure? Everything I've heard says that people have gotten over it in around three days, though...:shrugs:

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heres and idea on how to become immune to swine flu

1 inject small doses everyday to build up immunity

2 break into lab that studies the stuff and force a cure out of them we all know they have a cure and not telling us about it

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That's what I kept trying to tell my friend, but he said it was just as deadly as influenza. Then, I have no idea how deadly influenza is, so...for some reason, I don't think it's that bad, though.


Yeah, definitely overhyped, I'm guessing because it doesn't have a cure? Everything I've heard says that people have gotten over it in around three days, though...:shrugs:


"flu" is short for Influenza!

BTW, H1N1 has killed less people than the normal flu/influenza has, so I wouldn't worry about it.


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You really should not worry that much about it. I had what you could call a minor strain and the first two days it was nothing more then a sore throat and a stuffed nose. The third day sucked. Major headache and weakness along with previously stated things. the last two days have not been bad at all. My sore throat is almost gone and all I have left is really a stuffed nose. So no worries is all I have to say.
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