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Another Cafeteria Rant

Nathan Evo


Seems like my blog is divided into three categories: my comics, random nonsense (like that entry about Gavla and his incorrect theory on my username, which led to worse ones) and rants about the Cafeteria from the Black Lagoon. :P


Yep. Another one.


This one involves my lunch. Twice.


First day, I look in one line and there's Frito Casserole. Suffice to say it's awful. I didn't get it, of course. Other line wasn't too great either. So I went to the school store and bought a chocolate muffin, and that was my lunch.


Today wasn't much better. I bought a supposedly "beef and bean cheese burrito".


Turn out it was an IMITATION HOT POCKET. Lasagna-flavored, too.


Simply put, that isn't a "beef and bean cheese burrito".


I went back to the school store in hopes of muffins but they were sold out. :( So I bought some sour candy. Wasn't much better for me than a muffin, but oh well.


Oh, and I threw away my imitation Hot Pocket.


No buttermilk pie.




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Blade ate all the muffins.


Well..I went though the same stuff in school. Have hopes Gerlicky!


*mails some home cooked lunches*

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Well, an imitation Hot Pocket is better than the imitation MEAT they serve at my cafeteria. (No offense intended to vegetarians.)


As stated before, I don't eat lunch from the school cafeteria. I bring my own. (Mainly because the lines are too long, but somedays the cost is greater than the reward...)

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Well, today they sold the "beef and bean cheese burrito" they claimed to have sold yesterday. Or at least it looked like a burrito. Could've been buttermilk pie wraps for all I know. :P
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The problem with my school this year is the bus. It's almost as crowded as BZPower's server. I got on late today and had to sit on the floor.
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