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For Those That Use Wikipedia

Spoony Bard


Time for you guys to end the habit of using it. :P


In college, it is pretty much banned to be used as a cited source, or else its an F for ya. :P




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Well my teacher, in high school, is so... Foolish. She's never heard of it. :lol: So it's fine right now - Of course, as for other classes... Haven't done anythin' yet that I needed to make a bibliography for, so who knows.

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It's banned in only one of my classes and that is history. Otherwise it is still fair game for me.


Although I only use it when I can't find information on what I'm looking for.



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Guest Phyoohrii: Dark Hunter Hunter


My teachers are COOL DUDES. The ones that don't stop you using Wiki anyway...

Anyway, the articles have sources at the bottom. So you can throw them in to your bibliography. :P


IPB Image

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Does this have any relation to the entry I made...?


Actually, it does tie in to the comments about it being dangerous. I didn't realize teacher's banned it...

Thanx for the tip. I only use it along with other sites, anyway.


But it is fun for casual stuff. (Like the Lego part, Bionicle part, BZPower part...)

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Anyway, the articles have sources at the bottom. So you can throw them in to your bibliography. :P

And if necessary do some heavy paraphrasing, so the exact quotes don't show up on Google. ;)


I mostly use it at work (I'm a translator, FYI) to look up abbreviations and possible translations not found in your average dictionary.


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I mostly use it at work (I'm a translator, FYI) to look up abbreviations and possible translations not found in your average dictionary.

Schiztionary: The Dictionary with Words Not Found In The Dictionary



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Anyway, the articles have sources at the bottom. So you can throw them in to your bibliography. :P

And if necessary do some heavy paraphrasing, so the exact quotes don't show up on Google. ;)


I mostly use it at work (I'm a translator, FYI) to look up abbreviations and possible translations not found in your average dictionary.

that's pretty much what i usualy do

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What the He... Heck is wrong with Wiki??

Because since Wikipedia is a site that can be edited by anyone, and I mean anyone, it cannot be trusted as a valid resource site, hence the reason why teachers and professors ban it.



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Wiki FTW. You have no idea the stuff I've learned from Wikipedia. But yeah, using it as a scholarly source is a recipe for humiliation.



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Wiki FTW. You have no idea the stuff I've learned from Wikipedia. But yeah, using it as a scholarly source is a recipe for humiliation.



Oh yeah. I don't mind looking at it for something quick, but I don't use it for big stuff. :P



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Because since Wikipedia is a site that can be edited by anyone, and I mean anyone, it cannot be trusted as a valid resource site, hence the reason why teachers and professors ban it.



Oh! I got it:


Have professionals check out the pages made on Wikipedia and have them publish correct ones on a separate site: Wikipedia Verified.


I want royalties.


~ :kakamanu: ~

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Because since Wikipedia is a site that can be edited by anyone, and I mean anyone, it cannot be trusted as a valid resource site, hence the reason why teachers and professors ban it.



Oh! I got it:


Have professionals check out the pages made on Wikipedia and have them publish correct ones on a separate site: Wikipedia Verified.


I want royalties.


~ :kakamanu: ~

Yes we have those. They are called Encyclopedias.



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Yes we have those. They are called Encyclopedias.



Fine, you get 40%. For the name. Now, describe to me this 'encyclopedia' idea of yours.


Actually, I knew it would never work. :plain:


~ :kakamanu: ~

Ok. Encyclopedias shall be sources of info. There will be 26 different volumes, one for each letter.


But they already exist. :P



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Sometimes "C" and "M" are split into two volumes! But then X, Y and Z are all in one volume, so it evens out.



And don't they have a different volume that comes after The XYZ?



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What the He... Heck is wrong with Wiki??

Because since Wikipedia is a site that can be edited by anyone, and I mean anyone, it cannot be trusted as a valid resource site, hence the reason why teachers and professors ban it.



But you're telling me not to use it anymore O_O




Thats what happens without wiki,


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What the He... Heck is wrong with Wiki??

Because since Wikipedia is a site that can be edited by anyone, and I mean anyone, it cannot be trusted as a valid resource site, hence the reason why teachers and professors ban it.



But you're telling me not to use it anymore O_O




Thats what happens without wiki,

Thats a different case, cuz you aren't using wikipedia as a resource for a research paper/project.



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