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A Random Collection Of Shtuff

Takuma Nuva


So, I'm thinking 'bout gettin' me one of them thar Zune HD's (probably the 16GB due to the cheaper price). Any opinions on this? I spent probably about an hour or so the other night just comparing Zune vs. iPod. My mom and three of my sisters all have some incarnation of the iPod.


I'll be gone for a week or so starting Thursday. I'll be on the east coast at a religious retreat. Y'know, get away from all the distractions and figure out what I want to do with my life before it's too late.


I recorded a video of myself surfing "The Final Countdown". I'd love to show it, but since Photobucket has been finicky lately I need to find a new video hosting site (no, I've never had luck with Google video in the past so don't bother mentioning it).


My epic is THIS CLOSE to being finished. However, "Action In The Background" is still just a place-holder title. As much as I like it, I'd rather come up with something different since this isn't just a re-write. It's gonna be totally different. Any suggestions for a replacement title that still follows the same idea? My series (should the first book do well enough) is basically going to be all about what happened "behind the scenes" during the 01-08 saga.


Oh, and in case you haven't noticed, name-change/revert.


Further more, I've also had an epic in mind (too many things I'd like to do, not enough time) for the COT forum (OH MY ALLAH, Takuma in COT!?). I've had this MARVEL comic book-style hero that's been screaming to get out of my head and meet the world for some time now. I'll give you a small taste of what he's like: He's deaf, plays guitar, and his name is Derek Leaper (no, he's not a jumpy super-hero, I just thought it sounded interesting). Alter-ego name is still in the works. What's his power? Well, I may reveal that later. ;) Let's just say that it ties into the fact that he's deaf.


<End Track>


Recommended Comments

Oh, Come on. Hero who sees sounds is already in use, Takky. Heroes has Ellen (I think that's her name) already, and better yet, I think she can use them to damage things somehow.

plus they've got epic effects showing how she sees them
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Further more, I've also had an epic in mind (too many things I'd like to do, not enough time) for the COT forum (OH MY ALLAH, Takuma in COT!?)

As a COTdweller hoping for some stories that are actually good to be posted there, I approve of this.

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