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I Need To Improve My Humor

Taka Nuvia



Comic for my school's student magazine.


Yeah. Anyone got better ideas?


(BTW, oh yay, I got to write from my actual computer and not the netbook, which means I can scan a pic meanwhile and chatwith a friend! Yay, success!)


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:lol: thanks, Gavla.


Still, I want to get better. I had a month's time to finish this, and I got the idea for a comic within the last...2 or 3 days. Out of a MONTH.

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Correction: The rest of the world needs to improve its view of your humor. ;)


Advice: If you have no other ideas, steal one from someone else. :P


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:lol: thanks, Gavla.


Still, I want to get better. I had a month's time to finish this, and I got the idea for a comic within the last...2 or 3 days. Out of a MONTH.


That's my trademark. :P

To have all the time in the world and not do anything until almos the last minute.

I work best that way though.


Anyway, great work on expressions and structure.

People actually work well for the looks of humor in a comic, but I don't really get it. (sometimes I'm not the greatest at noticing the joke though...so could just be me...)

And don't worry about trying to think up a better idea, it'll come, a lot of my comics aren't the greatest either. :P


Keep up the awesome work, T Nuvia! :D


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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That's really funny.


It was so funny, I laughed until I had a heart attack. I then pounded on the door to reduce the pain.


My mom then got mad at me for that, and beat me. My dad came home and beat my mom because dinner wasn't ready. My cat bit my dad and he shot it. My brother stumbled home drunk and told me he had eaten sandy varges down the street. The police surrounded my house and arrested my family.


I was sent to a foster home. The owner is evil and forces us to do her chores, but of course she denies it when people come by.


I got assigned to feeding the king. He's an extremely obese man. His arms and legs are little stubs compared to the rest of his body. He's too fat to move, so he just sits on the floor. When he shouts, he can be heard from across the house.


'More! More! I want more!' he says, food flying out of his mouth. The children row out wheelbarrows with the finest meals, but he still isn't satisfied. His blonde hair is drenched in sweat. His beady little eyes always have to be open wide, or the get sucked into the fat. He's a monster.


One day, I had enough. I knew what to do.


His food is always served without bones so it's just a big mush. He can't reach his throat due to his stubs. As I prepared his turkey leg, I covered the bone in brown paint so he wouldn't notice it.


I walked out to the server, who was a young boy of 12. I stayed in the kitchen, daring not to be a suspect of the crime. All I heard was the boy climbing to the king, the king shouting 'Finally! Feed me, incompetant fool!', the sound of him choking to death. The owner came in and was shocked to see what had happened.


I decided now was the best time. I jumped onto the table, grabbed a spatula, pointed it at her and shouted 'REBEL!'


The kids thought for a second then ran for her throat. I fled, not wanting to see what they'd do to her. I ran until I made it to a grass hut. I knocked, and a boy with an 'emo' haircut and an earring answered.


''Sup?' he asked. I noticed the tea he had in his hand.


'I need your help.' I said. I told him my story.


'Cool story, bro.' says he. 'Maybe I can help.'


He showed me his plane, made out of wood and grass. I thanked him, paid him 10 cents, and flew off.


I flew for hours, the ocean below me. All I saw was the water. I heard once that if you look close enough you'll see sea dragons in the water. I think I spotted one or two.


Then the beast jumped from the dark seas. He destroyed the tail of my plane and sent me flying. I looked back once. It looked like Megaladon.


I crashed onto my front lawn. A policeman found me and took me inside. He told me how my family had been duplicated and the dopplegangers took over the house for one day. I saw my real parents, my real brother, my real cat.


I was never so happy in my life.

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