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Halloween: The Aftermath



Ten children, two were sixteen, female, dressed as..ermm..not what 16 year old females should actually wear.

Two bags of candy, with an extra last minute one.


Half of the first two bags left, stuffed in my desk.


Snickers was the most. Yum.


Mom still looks like a vampire with her odd hair style.


No egged cars, yay!




Yeah, so..I've been feeling alittle down..which is normal, but I got cheer full when I read some of NR's comics. Not sure why, I just like em.


NightOwls is a huge success.


Logan chewed my arm.




Ehh, thats all the life-like updates I feel like saying.


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I didn't go trick-or-treating. :P


But I do have some candy. And I eat it sparingly.


Also, are those 16 year olds related to the people from the train station, by any chance?

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I watch what I wear :fear: not only cuz its

good for me...but because I'm not crazy to attract freakish attentions from weirdos <_<

I actually wish the girls at school chose their attire along their train of thought... some of them seriously shouldn't be wearing what they're wearing (or rather, not wearing). ><

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I watch what I wear :fear: not only cuz its

good for me...but because I'm not crazy to attract freakish attentions from weirdos <_<


Yeppa, same here.


Also, I would never in my life dress in a way that says "I'm a helpless little something come rescue me".

I'd even prefer this. (I would not be able to walk with these boots, but they look so awesome...)

I mean, even if it is easy to hurt me, there's no point in showing that. o_o

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