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My Heart Is Weightless

Taka Nuvia


I'm gonna take a break.

Not only from Bzpower, but from my whole computer.


Why? I haven't been myself lately. See, when I come home from school, I go straight to the computer. I forget things all the time, and when I'm not on I keep thinking about the forums and all that stuff. I need to tell what is me, and get some kind of distance to the virtual world.

Don't get me wrong, I don't have problems with any of you. It's just that I've found myself being unable to tell what's real and what's virtual. And that scares me. I don't draw anymore, I hardly write... I only sit in front of my computer.


I hope you understand.


'bout the NightOwls comic: I will post it as soon as it's finished.


Thanks for your attention,

Taka Nuvia


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I'm DX, and I approve of this message.


Seriously, if you feel that way, then go. Trust me, it's not a good feeling when you've become estranged from all you hold dear and you can know longer tell what's real and what isn't, especially when you've become too attached to something that is constantly changing and can cop out on you like *snaps fingers* that, and you don't get any real tangible joy from it.


Here's to hoping you'll be feeling better soon.

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I´ve tried that (a couple (no, a lot) of times), too, but unlike you, I haven´t been strong enough to actually do something. I realize, of course, you won´t read this before your 'break' is over, but once it is, you should know how good it is that you can do it.


*Continues sinking deeper into a virtually constructed, unreal world that does no longer differ from my reality*


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Oh dear..well, Taka..if that's what you feel is best..then do it. We cant stop you.


Take a break, have a snack, have some fun and stuff. That's all we can do. I hope you come back soon, Taka.

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Good idea, T Nuvia.

It took me a while, but now I've got my priorities straight.

I hardly think of BZP besides my comics anymore.

(which is why I forget to do things for people and reply to things so often now.... <_<)


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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Good to hear that reality is coming back. I almost did it once since I couldn't think of any good reason that I should get on.

Then I remembered the darn RPG I'm a part of. I might just have to screw the computer until Dec.

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Stay away from the computer or the Matrix WILL EAT YOU.

Actually, I recommend doing this a lot, because I do it too. Like once upon a time ago, I had your problem just as well, and it all changed when I let my brother have a go at the computer.

Seriously dude, life is awesome, let's not waste it.

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