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Helryx Makes No Sense

-Toa Lhikevikk-


She wants to save the universe by killing everyone. I mean seriously, what?


Also today is the Mayflower Compact's anniversary. Would have made more sense for Lincoln to make today Thanksgiving. :\


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I find it hilarious that back in 2006, Axonn was like "SAVE ZE MATORAN" and Brutaka was like "ROW ROW FIGHT THE TOA"


Now it's like Axonn's like "DELETE SYSTEM32" and Brutaka's like "CAN'T LET YOU DO THAT, STARFOX"

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and Brutaka's like "CAN'T LET YOU DO THAT, STARFOX"

This. Hee hee hee.


Yeah, Helryx is being kind of one-track mind about that whole thing....it's like crikey, if the guy who has been around for ages, was in charge of the MU until one of the Great Beings pulled a Trump and was like "You're fired", and previously was residing in a gelatinous mass with spikes and tentacles for a body knows how to fix the universe, then you should probably let him do so.





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Helryx has just lost it. Or maybe the plot itself is getting messed up--and that's a lot for me to say, I'm rarely picky with the story. Things just feel rushed. If it was going a bit slower with more information, I might fall for this.

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