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I say Bionicles. I really don't care.


I've always thought that saying "Bionicle sets" just made them feel cold and just what they are - plastic toys. Saying "Bionicles" on the other hand gave them kinda a warm feeling, as if they were real characters. To me, it gives them a sort of life that makes me want to play with them instead of just building them and then sticking them on a shelf to collect dust.

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I say Bionicles. I really don't care.


I've always thought that saying "Bionicle sets" just made them feel cold and just what they are - plastic toys. Saying "Bionicles" on the other hand gave them kinda a warm feeling, as if they were real characters. To me, it gives them a sort of life that makes me want to play with them instead of just building them and then sticking them on a shelf to collect dust.

After reading that topic, I'm pretty sure the people who call them "BIONICLE sets" just build them and leave them.

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Besides, it's like calling System "Lego bricks". A kid's gonna see Bionicle in an ad, they aren't gonna go "Mommy, I want these Bionicle sets for Christmas!" They're gonna say they want Bionicles. They don't know that Bionicle is only the name of the story, they think it's the name of the toys.



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Saying it incorrectly doesn't make you less of a fan.

According to many people it does. Either that or I'm a noob. Which I am, but still.

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Besides, it's like calling System "Lego bricks". A kid's gonna see Bionicle in an ad, they aren't gonna go "Mommy, I want these Bionicle sets for Christmas!" They're gonna say they want Bionicles. They don't know that Bionicle is only the name of the story, they think it's the name of the toys.




Exactly. Everyone I know who becomes knowledgable of certain bits of the franchise starts calling them Bionicles, even people that aren't little kids. It's a clumped name for all the franchises characters. What else would we call them? "Bionicle characters" just sounds... boring. "Biomechs" (short for "Biomechanical", an often confused part of the name "Bionicle") might be better, but how would we assimilate that into the franchise? Some people I know actually know the franchise is called Bionicle, but they call the characters "Bionics". Weird. Must be personal preference.


I however, use the word Bionicles. It's so widely used, and anyone that thinks it's "gramatically incorrect!", has to remember that "Bionicle" is a made up word. We can use any grammatical rules we want with it. After all, English breaks it's own rules all the time.


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I'm not really sure what I say, but I'm definitely a fan.


In my mind I think "Bionicle" because "Bionicles" is wrong like LEGO Bricks, but when I (rarely) talk to somebody about my sets, saying "Bionicles" makes way more sense than "Bionicle sets", so I reach a point of indecision and trail off.


Really, I dislike Bionicles when it's spelt like that, but I couldn't care less when it's said. Spell or say LEGO Bricks though, and I'll be at your throat. :)

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English breaks it's own rules all the time.

Prime example right there. "Its" one of the few possessive words that doesn't have an apostrophe.

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Saying it incorrectly doesn't make you less of a fan.

Yes it does. People don't become fans because of the sets, the storyline, the MOCs, the artwork, the fanfics, or any of that stuff. People become fans to say that word in singular.



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I love your sigs, Miss Bianca and Bfahome. =D


I seriosuly do not understand why any of those people react like that to "Bionicles". I also don't see how it's an "incorrect term" as said in one of the posts. I think I might go change my signature, to go with yours, btw. =D

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I love your sigs, Miss Bianca and Bfahome. =D


I seriosuly do not understand why any of those people react like that to "Bionicles". I also don't see how it's an "incorrect term" as said in one of the posts. I think I might go change my signature, to go with yours, btw. =D

I suggest you read this article, then.

In any case, if LEGO Bricks is discouraged, chances are Bionicles or BIONICLEs are too.

EDIT: Meh, filters.

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I love your sigs, Miss Bianca and Bfahome. =D


I seriosuly do not understand why any of those people react like that to "Bionicles". I also don't see how it's an "incorrect term" as said in one of the posts. I think I might go change my signature, to go with yours, btw. =D

I suggest you read this article, then.

In any case, if LEGO Bricks is discouraged, chances are Bionicles or BIONICLEs are too.

EDIT: Meh, filters.

That only really applies to S&T as far as banning it in topic titles.


I just don't see why anybody cares about it anyways. It's a stupid thing to argue about as it is.

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I love your sigs, Miss Bianca and Bfahome. =D


I seriosuly do not understand why any of those people react like that to "Bionicles". I also don't see how it's an "incorrect term" as said in one of the posts. I think I might go change my signature, to go with yours, btw. =D

I suggest you read this article, then.

In any case, if LEGO Bricks is discouraged, chances are Bionicles or BIONICLEs are too.

EDIT: Meh, filters.

That only really applies to S&T as far as banning it in topic titles.


I just don't see why anybody cares about it anyways. It's a stupid thing to argue about as it is.

Well, if you take away the banning part of the article, it's still valid, I think.

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I love your sigs, Miss Bianca and Bfahome. =D


I seriosuly do not understand why any of those people react like that to "Bionicles". I also don't see how it's an "incorrect term" as said in one of the posts. I think I might go change my signature, to go with yours, btw. =D

I suggest you read this article, then.

In any case, if LEGO Bricks is discouraged, chances are Bionicles or BIONICLEs are too.

EDIT: Meh, filters.

That only really applies to S&T as far as banning it in topic titles.


I just don't see why anybody cares about it anyways. It's a stupid thing to argue about as it is.

Well, if you take away the banning part of the article, it's still valid, I think.



I still don't believe that pluralizing Bionicle or Lego makes it any more wrong than the singular version.

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Oh dear. I suppose I'll have to stop calling them Bionicles now. I didn't realize that saying Bionicles would BRING THE APOCALYPSE.


But it appears that it will, according to some people.


So sorry to trouble you all, but I'm afraid that, since I'm not going to stop my rude habit of saying Bionicles, the fire and brimstone is going to fall a little earlier than planned.

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Oh dear. I suppose I'll have to stop calling them Bionicles now. I didn't realize that saying Bionicles would BRING THE APOCALYPSE.


But it appears that it will, according to some people.


So sorry to trouble you all, but I'm afraid that, since I'm not going to stop my rude habit of saying Bionicles, the fire and brimstone is going to fall a little earlier than planned.

And now we know why the world will end in 2012.


Quick, someone go back and check the Mayan prophecies for signs of the word "Bionicles"!

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I read through the topic and most certainly agree with you. I use the term "Bionicles" as a shortened term for "Bionicle sets", because it's easier for other people who aren't fans to understand. Think about it. You aren't a fan and your friend says to you: "After school today I'm going to buy a whole bunch of Bionicle." In a way, it might sound like bad grammar. I think "Bionicles" just rolls off the tongue much easier and it's simpler for people to understand.



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You're all wrong.











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Technically it is improper and incorrect to pluralize the overall theme name when referring to any aspect of the franchise. As BIONICLE is a portmanteau of 'Biological Chronicle', the only way to pluralize BIONICLE is to have more than one canon story.


I mean, you don't look at Star Wars toys and say "look at all the Star Wars'!". ;)


Which is to say, it doesn't make you a bad fan, it just makes your grammar suck.


But I also say LEGO with an 's', so whatever. If you come to Brickfair and say 'Bionicles', we'll just make fun of you the entire time. :)

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If you come to Brickfair and say 'Bionicles', we'll just make fun of you the entire time. :)



Also, when you consider how we've gone to two different universes and been introduced to a new story and new characters, one could say we've had two different Biological Chronicles - hence, Bionicles.

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