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Pity Party At My Place. Wanna Come?

Takuma Nuva


Hey, everybody.


A quick note for you guys. If you've been wondering about my relative silence lately, I'm going through a REALLY tough time right now. Like, I don't know how I'm going to deal with all this. As a matter of fact, it's more like three four different things all at once, right before Christmas no less. It's really weighing down on me and most of it I can't do a blasted thing other than weather it out. I've become cold, bitter, spiteful, uncharitable, depressed, stressed out, you name it. It's actually caused me to break my Team Fortress 2 hiatus. There's something about going into a server and annihilating other players that makes me forget about it all, if just for a little bit (taking out my agression on other people in a perfectly harmless manner is also a plus).


Anyways, do me a favor, if you can. Send some prayers in the way of my family, if you have any to spare. If you're not the praying type, well ... whatever. I don't know what I could ask of you.


You may also have noticed that I was too frustrated to remember adding the next chapter of my epic last week. As a matter of fact, another one should have gone up today even. But with the Chirstmas rush coming I might as well just let it wait until after Christmas anyways. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly in the mood to care about it right now anyways.


I was gonna just lock this entry, but I'll leave it open for now. Don't count on me replying to anything though.


One last thing before I go. Do both me and you a favor. Grab the most accessible dictionary you can get your hands (or browser) on and look up the word "busy". Some people don't seem to know what this word means.


<End Track>


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Busy obviously means you have all the time to shoot the breeze.


But seriously, here's to you, brah, hoping you'll pull through this tough time and come off better, and have a merry Christmas to boot. :udaman:

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I relate very much, it's extremely tough and of all things--happening during this holiday season when everyone should be happy and all that jazz. Just remember to keep going forward and remember how much worse some things could be--I learned the hard way. There are many things to be thankful for, I'm sure. Even if you have to start at the most obvious things like "I'm alive" or "I have internet"; finding a place to be alone, even for a few minutse can help. Get away from the internet, get some tea, and just chillax, thinking about the problems and how to work them out, or don't think about them all. This helps me a lot.

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