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I'ma Just Say It.



Kirsten Dunst was a terrible Mary Jane.

Tobey Maguire was a terrible Spider-Man.

James Franco was a passable Harry.


A reboot is in the best interest of everyone. Let's get a sarcastic smart aleck for Spidey this time, and not only a natural redhead for Mary Jane, but a natural redhead with actual acting skills.


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The other day somebody told me that I look like James Franco. :unsure:


Agreed on all counts. Much rather an Ultimate-style Spider-Man than Mr. Dopey McVaguesmile.

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I thought Mahuire was a good Spidey... in the first movie only... and mostly when he was in costume... but yeah, he was okay.


Don't really have a problem with a reboot, tho.



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I thought Mahuire was a good Spidey... in the first movie only... and mostly when he was in costume... but yeah, he was okay.


Don't really have a problem with a reboot, tho.



I think he made a nice dopey, pre-Spider-Man nerdy Peter Parker. But he made a terrible Spider-Man. No witty banter. No sarcasm. No jokes.


And he made a terrible post-spider bite Peter. No new and improved personality or real confidence, like he gains in most iterations of the character. No wit. Just dopey deer-in-the-headlight eyes.



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You have no idea how much agreement you are getting from me. It is massive amounts of agreement.


It is FOUR HUNDRED BABIES of agreement.



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James Franco was a passable Harry.

....I thought you were talking about Harry Potter, and then I was like "Ohwaitwhatnot".


Yes, let us pick Edward Cullen.

That would be....terrifying....on such a horrible level.





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I think we all know the biggest shame is that without Sam Raimi at the helm, Bruce Campbell won't be in the future movies - he was the real star of the series...

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*looks for picture of Mary Jane with Parker's face superimposed*


*cannot find*


Yeah, I totally agree. The Spider Man movies have been pretty... sad... IMO.



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As long as the current plans for this restart of the Spiderman Series consist of the words "darker and edgier," then no, it is certainly not in the interests of everyone. Seriously, throwing out everything that was previously established all for the purpose of making Spiderman "darker" is the reason trash like One More Day is so hated by the fandom. In the same way, the reason Brand New Day has succeeded is because most people want a Spidey that has a good balance between light and dark elements. Spidey isn't Batman, and The Dark Knight's massive success does not mean that now every superhero movie has to be uber-dark to succeed.

Anyway, I liked the movies for what they are, and I thought they managed to have some great humor without having Spiderman deliver much of it. However, the only thing I truly care about right now is that The Spectacular Spiderman gets renewed for a third season. Seriously - BEST SPIDERMAN SHOW EVER, and everyone who is a fan of the early spiderman comics needs to see it if they haven't. :)

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*finds it absolutely hilarious that new director's name is Marc Webb*

Oh, so Michael Bay didn't get his hands on the franchise? Thank goodness - I was about to cry when I saw read that he was interested in the Spiderman reboot. :P

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As long as the current plans for this restart of the Spiderman Series consist of the words "darker and edgier," then no, it is certainly not in the interests of everyone. Seriously, throwing out everything that was previously established all for the purpose of making Spiderman "darker" is the reason trash like One More Day is so hated by the fandom. In the same way, the reason Brand New Day has succeeded is because most people want a Spidey that has a good balance between light and dark elements. Spidey isn't Batman, and The Dark Knight's massive success does not mean that now every superhero movie has to be uber-dark to succeed.


Anyway, I liked the movies for what they are, and I thought they managed to have some great humor without having Spiderman deliver much of it. However, the only thing I truly care about right now is that The Spectacular Spiderman gets renewed for a third season. Seriously - BEST SPIDERMAN SHOW EVER, and everyone who is a fan of the early spiderman comics needs to see it if they haven't. :)




I agree with everything you said except for Brand New Day being even remotely good. I don't recognize Peter anymore.


And what the heck have they done to Felicia? ; ;



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I think the first film was well put-together and enjoyable, but the characters by themselves (bar JJ) were all kinda just "there" as vehicles for the plot more then their own entities.


Then the second and third one bored me so I totally neglected them.



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Good news everyone! The new director says he is basing the movie off of the Ultimate Spider-Man comics.


I am very much for this.

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Spider-Man 3 just sucked, as it pretty much killed any pre-established story. I don't know about Harry anyway, since his motive was ruined by his butler's wonderful timing.


You're right about Tobey Maguire though; his tone as Spider-Man was kind of dry.


@B6: All Spider-Man narration needs Bruce Campbell. Every movie ever needs Bruce Campbell as a narrator. Or Morgan Freeman. Yes, future Spider-Man movies should feature Morgan Freeman as narrator... Now that would be full of win, and I'd totally just listen to it.


©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM

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As long as the current plans for this restart of the Spiderman Series consist of the words "darker and edgier," then no, it is certainly not in the interests of everyone. Seriously, throwing out everything that was previously established all for the purpose of making Spiderman "darker" is the reason trash like One More Day is so hated by the fandom. In the same way, the reason Brand New Day has succeeded is because most people want a Spidey that has a good balance between light and dark elements. Spidey isn't Batman, and The Dark Knight's massive success does not mean that now every superhero movie has to be uber-dark to succeed.


Anyway, I liked the movies for what they are, and I thought they managed to have some great humor without having Spiderman deliver much of it. However, the only thing I truly care about right now is that The Spectacular Spiderman gets renewed for a third season. Seriously - BEST SPIDERMAN SHOW EVER, and everyone who is a fan of the early spiderman comics needs to see it if they haven't. :)




I agree with everything you said except for Brand New Day being even remotely good. I don't recognize Peter anymore.


And what the heck have they done to Felicia? ; ;



Agreed. Why ruin the best couple in all of comics, especially after JMS had done such a good job with them! WHY QUESADA!? WHY!?[/fanrant]

At least the recent comics have been pretty good.


I think the first film was well put-together and enjoyable, but the characters by themselves (bar JJ) were all kinda just "there" as vehicles for the plot more then their own entities.


Then the second and third one bored me so I totally neglected them.



Spider-Man 3 just sucked, as it pretty much killed any pre-established story. I don't know about Harry anyway, since his motive was ruined by his butler's wonderful timing.


You're right about Tobey Maguire though; his tone as Spider-Man was kind of dry.


@B6: All Spider-Man narration needs Bruce Campbell. Every movie ever needs Bruce Campbell as a narrator. Or Morgan Freeman. Yes, future Spider-Man movies should feature Morgan Freeman as narrator... Now that would be full of win, and I'd totally just listen to it.


©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM

"Your father was impaled by his own glider"

. . .

"You are so fired."


"You couldn't have told me before!?"

"The moment was never there! I-"




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