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I wish I could modify my mass, size, and strength individually so I could shrink down and explore those little tunnels that form under snowbanks when some of the water thaws and runs under it.


That would be so awesome.


I could also use it to actually play on LEGO vehicles or buildings. The best part is I could be as reckless as I wanted at that size, since I could maintain my full-sized strength and not be hurt if I fall off of any LEGO thing.


Yarr, I'd be captain Tinybeard! :pirate:


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But when you're happily exploring the little snow tunnels in your yard and your next-door neighbor says, "Hmm, I haven't trampled on the neighbors' lawn in awhile," it stops being so fun...




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But when you're happily exploring the little snow tunnels in your yard and your next-door neighbor says, "Hmm, I haven't trampled on the neighbors' lawn in awhile," it stops being so fun...




That's where the full strength thing comes in; I'd be just as strong, so if I get stepped on I'll be mostly fine. : D

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The bad thing is if you remember halfway through that the spiders come out to feast during said time.

Again, strength.


And also the fact that I could shrink or grow or become denser.

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But when you're happily exploring the little snow tunnels in your yard and your next-door neighbor says, "Hmm, I haven't trampled on the neighbors' lawn in awhile," it stops being so fun...




That's where the full strength thing comes in; I'd be just as strong, so if I get stepped on I'll be mostly fine. : D

Somebody else walking on you is never fun, even at full size. ;)

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....I fully expected the next line of the entry to be "What's that mysterious ticking noise?"....


That would be a good power to have because you'd win at hide and seek every time. Ooh, and you could totally sneak into places! Like, if you're at the Louvre and they're like "This area's closed to visitors" you could totally just shrink and sneak in and check out whatever awesome paintings are in the closed area!



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