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Valentine's Day Story Club

Tifosi 92


Valentine's Day Story Club

Valentine's Day is fast approaching, and love is in the air... for some. For others, it's a perfect time to write a love story. :P I have a feeling I'm not the only one writing a Valentine's Day story, and as such, this idea crossed my mind: a Valentine's Day Story Club.

Q: What is the club about?
A: Basically, the idea is to form a list of V-Day stories in this entry with the goal of earning reviews from fellow V-Day story writers. If you've written or are still planning to write a Valentine's Day story and want reviews for it, you can get them by posting a link to your story here. The reviews won't necessarily come for free, of course--if youre in the club, you're expected to leave a review on at least two stories from other club members out of kindness. ;)

Q: How would I go about getting into the club?
A: If you've written a V-Day-themed story, something similar, or are planning to write one, post a link to your story in a comment on this entry, and I'll add it to a list of stories at the bottom of this entry. That's all there is to it!

Q: Does the story have to be specifically written for Valentine's Day?
A: Technically, no. If you've written a story that fits into the love-story genre recently (within the last two or three weeks), I don't see a problem with submitting it to the list.

Q: What incentive is there to give reviews?
A: I don't really want to turn this into a contest (mainly because there aren't any prizes I could realistically give :P) but I think there should be something given to the author in the club with the greatest combined total of given and received reviews. This might not be more than bragging rights that you were the most helpful member or wrote the most reviewed story, or maybe both. :P Time will tell, depending on how many writers join.

Q: How long will the club be active?
A: After some consideration, I'm thinking of keeping it open until the end of February, in the interest of giving everyone time to review stories. After that, there really isn't much point in keeping it open. :P

I have absolutely no idea how this will work out, or even if anyone will join. If there aren't many participants, I'll probably end up just deleting the entry. Hopefully, that won't have to happen. *lol* If you have any questions, feel free to post a comment asking them.


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I'm a little interested... :sly: Technically it would be awesome to join, and now that you started this, I just got a flood of ideas to do for a V-Day story. ^^ I will be writing one, but may not have the time to review others' stories. If I do, then I probably will do it a day or so after it was posted.


I don't have any stories right now to be linked with, but sooner or later I'll probably finish one up and will post it. Right now I'm getting there.


Technically, I'm in. :)

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Guest kopakanuva13


Whoo, sounds fun. I'd love to read and review some stories if I get some time, as well as write that Kiina x Berix story I've been planning on :sly:

Just for lulz, here are links to two stories I wrote quite a while ago that would fit the theme, even though they're so outdated I really don't care for any more reviews, The Telescopic Eye and Shift.


Soo... count me in ^.^


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Whoo, sounds fun. I'd love to read and review some stories if I get some time, as well as write that Kiina x Berix story I've been planning on :sly:

Just for lulz, here are links to two stories I wrote quite a while ago that would fit the theme, even though they're so outdated I really don't care for any more reviews, The Telescopic Eye and Shift.


Soo... count me in ^.^



Cool! Would you like me to add one of the stories you linked to, or do you want to wait me to wait until you finish writing the Kiina/Berix story before I add one of your stories to the list? I suppose you could have two stories--I just want to know if you wanted the linked ones on the list or not. :)

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Guest kopakanuva13


I'll wait until I see if I can get some inspiration to finish my new story up, and if I can't then Shift can go on the list =)



Gotcha. :)


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I had thought about writing a Valentine's Day story, but I really don't know if I will or not... After all, it is in two days [unless my mind has gone berserk and V-D isn't the fourteenth (which is very possible, considering everything that's been going on lately)], and I'm sick at the moment and I have another story I'm working on.


But who knows. Anyway, I'd say don't add me to the list, but I'll try to get something written if I can.

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I've got something special written for V-Day. When I post it, mind adding it to the list? :)



No problem. The more people in the club, the better.

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I has one, and really excited to post. I'm actually writing a story...haven't written anything decent in months.


Can't wait to read everyones. I love romance stories, lol.

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Hmm...I'm not getting that VAVOOM of inspiration, but I'll give this a try. Please don't delete this entry though, Tifosi. =\


Cool. I'll put you up in the list pending a story, but if you can't come up with anything, no big deal. I won't be deleting this, because there are plenty of writers who have offered to lend a hand :)

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Well, mine's all finished up and ready to post, but most likely tomorrow it will be posted. ^_^ So, technically, it should be ready. Oh, and Cap'n K, I'll check out your story real quick. :)
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