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Bionicle: Year One - Voice Acting And Scripts



This is the official entry for the scripts and voice acting for BIONICLE: Year One.


Auditions are open now and will continue until further notice. We need voice actors for:


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Leader-type of voice, but he's also kind of arrogant at this point.

Interested: MoSM, Sonic the Hedgehog, benlinus, -Thylon-


Cold and to the point. Like his MoL voice.

Interested: -Toa Lhikevikk-, Thomas Magnum, -Thylon-, Sir Kohran


We need a female to do this, really. Beggars can't be choosers.

Interested: ShadowVelocity


Fun and lighthearted, but also solid, like a rock.

Interested: MoSM, Toa Kaitan Thunder Inferno, toa of mystery, ultra hamster, -Thylon-, Toa Cykron


Deep and thoughtful.

Interested: Thomas Magnum, ultra hamster


Fun fun fun fun fun, and excitable.

Interested: Toa Zale, Toa Kaitan Thunder Inferno, Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen, toa of mystery, Sonic the Hedgehog, ~T L N~: Pentagram of Airv



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Old and wise, but also thoughtful and saddened because of his past life events.

Interested: Sonic the Hedgehog, Toa Chaos Nuva


Clicks, whistles, and whirrs. Do your best if you want to audition, but we might have to put it through multiple effects to get it to work.

Interested: Gorgnak, Toa Kaitan Thunder Inferno


Female, of course. We need it to sound old and slow too, like her MoL voice.

Interested: ShadowVelocity, Neelh of Suburbia


A bit faster than the other ones, and opinionated.

Interested: -Thylon-


Hunched, basically.

Interested: dann494


Essentially an older Lewa.

Interested: Toa Kaitan Thunder Inferno, Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen, ~T L N~: Pentagram of Air




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I think an older-sounding version of their MoL voices would be nice.

Interested (Takua): Sonic the Hedgehog, ##### Bantha (yum), benlinus, MakutaKlak

Interested (Jaller): MoSM, GlatorianJaller


Epic, mysterious, awesome.

Interested: KennyWhee!, Toa Kaitan Thunder Inferno, -Toa Lhikevikk-


Younger Pohatus.

Interested (Hewkii): LukaRhotuka

Interested (Hafu): LukaRhotuka, 2Tie

Interested (Taipu): Toa Kaitan Thunder Inferno



Interested (Macku and Hahli): ShadowVelocity, Neelh of Suburbia

Interested (Nixie): Neelh of Suburbia


Stereotypical Le-Matoran.

Interested (Kongu): MoSM, Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen

Interested (Tamaru): -Toa Lhikevikk-, Eljay: Toa of Mangosteen, tent163phantoka:MOC newb


Interested: dann494


Like Onua, but a bit younger.

Interested: Nuparu6578


Cold and short. Doesn't have much to say, and when he does, he sounds like he's annoyed.

Interested: Gorgnak, Dr. John A. Zoidberg, -Thylon-


Like Kopeke, but more introverted and burdened because of the information he carries about the Turaga's past.

Interested: MoSM, -L-




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Self-explanatory. Make it extremely evil.

Interested: -Toa Lhikevikk-, Seranikai, Dr. John A. Zoidberg, Sir Kohran, Sonic the Hedgehog, Expired!, ultra hamster, shadowonua, benlinus, MakutaKlak, ~T L N~: Pentagram of Air




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I think we'll be able to combine the voices of the constituent Toa for the Kaita, so whoever gets the part of the Toa, in the end, will also have this part.

If you want to audition, or know someone who's not a BZP member who might like to audition, please record an audition consisting of your BZP name (if you're a member and not just a friend, but say who you're a friend of if you are one), your desired character, and then a line that that character says. You can repeat this formula for however many characters you want to audition for.


Please record clearly with little to no background noise, and send me the file via PM. Optimally, it should be in a .wav or a .mp3 format.


I know that there are a lot or characters here, but I think there will be enough interest. Plus, we don't have to use all of the Matoran I listed - that's a best-case-scenario list.


About the scripts: We'll probably include lines from the MNOLG, but we'll also have to script the other lines. If you're a writer or know someone on BZP who is, please tell them about this! We'll compare different scripts in this entry, and compare notes on what would be good to include. That way, we'll get the best of all worlds for the script.


UPDATE: JUNE 28, 2010: Complete update to all voice actors interested. Thanks a million to Sir Kohran for his help on this! I also added a section to account for "other" characters - right now only the Kaita are listed.


Recommended Comments

I can´t audition right now, but please, oh please hold Tahu´s (first- and favourite set) and Jaller´s roles open for me. =J


I might aso be interested in Pohatu, Kongu or Matoro.


EDIT: Before you ask, my laptop has a working microphone. I´m just in rather noisy surroundings right now (TV+family), so I can´t record anything. ;)


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I'll put you down.


Thanks. ^_^


I might also be helpful as a Script Writer... but actually, I´d say we should make the levels first, based off the books/comics/MNOLG/QftM-cards, and then glue them together with cutscenes.


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We'd still have to edit dialog in some of them - MNOLG not so much, but definitely in QftM.


Indeed... but let´s make sure the levels, since they are what people can be a 'part' of, does cover the more interesting parts of the story. That means a lot of the dialog is cut out, and we can focus on that after the levels are made.


Also, more in regards of the voice acting: Will this be only for the cutscenes, or also for the gameplay? Will there be lines such as 'Ungh!' for when a character is falling from a high place and hitting the ground? Will there be lines for Tahu to yell while you´re actually playing as him, such as 'Ouch' or 'I hate Lava lizards'.


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I'm not sure exactly - I don't know anything about the program other than that it exists and you can record your voice in it.
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