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Black Six


So I finally saw Up tonight. I laughed. I cried. It was an amazing movie. Highly recommended for all.


It just happens to be the only movie nominated for best picture at this year's Oscars that I've seen. But, based on what I've heard, if Avatar wins over it I'm going to lose all faith in those awards. Oh wait, that already happened in the 1994 Oscars, nevermind...


But yeah, it was an excellent movie and may make its way into my top ten favorites of all time.



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Ah well, you're forgiven. And yes, I hope it kicks Avatar's butt in the Oscars. :D



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I like Up better, in large part due to the message it contains. Wall-E, while touching, was all about us killing our planet and getting fat and all that. While I feel those things are important, I don't want them shoved down my throat in a movie. The message I got from Up was simple: enjoy life and have fun. You can't ask for much more than that.

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I like Up better, in large part due to the message it contains. Wall-E, while touching, was all about us killing our planet and getting fat and all that. While I feel those things are important, I don't want them shoved down my throat in a movie. The message I got from Up was simple: enjoy life and have fun. You can't ask for much more than that.


Th-that was beautiful. *wipes tear from eye* Not really, but that's pretty much how I felt too. :P


I cried a bit after Ellie died. It was just so sad. :(

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Wall-E, while touching, was all about us killing our planet and getting fat and all that. While I feel those things are important, I don't want them shoved down my throat in a movie.

That's not the message I got from Wall-E; that was just a subtext. I felt the message from Wall-E was the importance of love - that love *is* the purpose of life. Wall-E becomes more than just an automaton when he learns this.


Wall-E is one of my four favourite films ever made. ^^;





Up made me cry a lot ._.;


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Wall-E, while touching, was all about us killing our planet and getting fat and all that. While I feel those things are important, I don't want them shoved down my throat in a movie.

That's not the message I got from Wall-E; that was just a subtext. I felt the message from Wall-E was the importance of love - that love *is* the purpose of life. Wall-E becomes more than just an automaton when he learns this.


Wall-E is one of my four favourite films ever made. ^^;





Up made me cry a lot ._.;

I definitely agree that it was a lot about love, but they could have done it in another subtext that wasn't designed to make me feel guilty about living on this planet.


Am I the only one who wasn't profoundly touched b-*is silenced*

Yes, you're the only one.

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I still need to see Up, didn't get the chance when it was in theaters (More cuz I'd be the one paying for it, and I lacked the money/transportation choices) ^^;;;


But I think I can scrap together five or so dollars to go rent it from Blockbuster, as I have yet to see one negative comment about this movie.

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Up is my favorite movie of 2009.


Then again I only saw Up and TLR so.... :P


But yeah, it was an incredible movie all around.

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Am I the only one who wasn't profoundly touched b-*is silenced*

Yes, you're the only one.



Nah, really, it's not like I hate it, but at at the same time, I have yet to see a movie that got some sort of emotional reaction from me. :P

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Am I the only one who wasn't profoundly touched b-*is silenced*

Yes, you're the only one.



Nah, really, it's not like I hate it, but at at the same time, I have yet to see a movie that got some sort of emotional reaction from me. :P

You've never laughed at a joke, been mad at a villain, been afraid of a monster, or cried when someone died in a movie? You either watch very bad movies or are cold and heartless.

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Okay, lemme rephrase - I've had feelings before while watching a movie, like almost everybody - but I've never gotten too emotional, like crying. I just … don't do that. It's a movie. I might feel sad, but never at that level.
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Up is amazing. Though it lacks a happy ending. Which makes me sad.


But like Smeag, I like Wall-E better. It's one of my top five favourite films.

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I read an interview with the director of Wall-e. He said he was very reluctant to use obesity/eco themes in the movie. He knew people would confuse the meaning if the movie, he meant that more as a medium for what Smeag said up there.


Believe me, I hate having those things shoved down my throat too. That's why I didn't like Happy Feet.



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Up was good but I must agree with Smeag and DV, I loved Wall-e so much more. Love wins. Wall-E is one of my top films ever. And I've probably seen it more than all of you and have yet to get tired of it. I saw it so many times during my shifts at Walmart. Wall-E was better than Up in my opinion, however, Up was still great.



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You've never laughed at a joke, been mad at a villain, been afraid of a monster, or cried when someone died in a movie? You either watch very bad movies or are cold and heartless.

Definitely, yes, to the first two, but I can't honestly say I have for the last two. I may have some heart strings tugged at by a sad thing, buy there's no outward appearance. :mellow:


«Takuma Nuva»
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To be honest, the last time I cried at a movie was at Star Trek.



You see, to me, some of those scenes represented the rebirth of Star trek. Adn to me, that was one heck of a big deal. So I shed a tear a few times.



The only time I was mad at a villain was in Iron Man, when Stane was attacking Tony and putting Pepper's life in danger in the process.

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To be honest, the last time I cried at a movie was at Star Trek.

Which Star Trek - the new one? I could see in the opening scene maybe, but by far the most emotional scene in a Star Trek movie is near the end of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. "I have been, and always shall be, your friend..."

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