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ya, but here are the kind of comments:



1: lololololololol


2: Aho's Maj


3. B) B)


2: Overused meme


1: meme used in wrong context


3: lollololololawl


Most likely the comments don't pertain to the actual entry


I'm serious. :P

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No its more like:


Brick: *insert ANYTHING here*


1: lololololololo

2:yarly lolololol

3: I agree

1: Hey guys

2: lolololol hey

1: lololol

3: your haveing a comment party with out me???

1: no you're here

2: lolololol

1: lololol

Bricks: yo


2: meme


Bricks: lololol

3: lolololol


Usually someone brings up the idea of commenting so he gets more comments.

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i like how the only memes that the average BZP member knows is "THIS IS SPARTA" and "OVER 9000" which are so old it isn't even funny

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i like how the only memes that the average BZP member knows is "THIS IS SPARTA" and "OVER 9000" which are so old it isn't even funny

You're forgetting "IMA FIRIN MA LAZOAR!!!!1", which sums up about half the responses in the Caption Contest topic.

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just so you know i'm not like a fan of this whole ridiculous amount of comments thing


just in case you think im enjoying it

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