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Internet Rebellion



Today I was told that Internet Rebellion wasn't dumb, it was just radical.


Radical? Really?


Radical is sitting at a counter where you are prohibited to sit because of centuries of discrimination built into the very legal code, and not getting up or retaliating no matter how intensely you are ridiculed or beaten.


Radical is refusing to eat until the illegitimate authority that has ruled your land through fear and intimidation, along with outright terror, leaves. And not only that, but sitting in the streets as a reminder of your cause.


Radical is subverting the governing authorities who rule on fear, terror, and murder, through love, kindness, and generosity.


Radical is Martin Luther King Jr. Radical is Gandhi. Radical is Jesus.


I'm all for radical. I live my life attempting to be a subversive rebel in the name of Love in a world of violence.




Being insufferable and intolerable on a web forum aimed at children, because we won't allow you to post adult material, innuendo, large photos that tax our strained servers, various amounts of spam or stupid internet memes is not radical. It is not cool, and it is not something to be proud of.


Internet rebels are just spoiled malcontents who don't realize that they aren't the most important person in the world.


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don't you knowwww


BZPower is ooobviously a big-time government in and of itself and needs to be taken down pronto


and these guys are the elite commandos to do it :o

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You deserve either a hug, a high five, or the whole internet.


But since I won't give you any of them, you'll have to settle for this:



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1. Jesus isn't radical. Just saying. ;)

Jesus was probably the most radical person to ever walk this planet. To say anymore would veer far to close too a religious discussion, but I just cannot agree with your statement.

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Yeah dude, Jesus was totally radical. Like, tubular.


Also anytime anyone mentions rebellion, my Star Wars fan inside kicks in and I start quoting Star Wars.


"We've lost bridge deflector shields!"

"Intensify the forward batteries. I don't want anything to get through."

"Intensify forward firepower!"

"Too late!"


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If I had a blog approval, I would give it to you two times.


But since I don't, I'll just say you hit the nail on the head. This really needed to be said IMO. Totally agree :) .



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Wow, I don't think I've ever agreed with you as much as I do now... I guess there's a first time for everything! :P

Seriously though, people who are attempting to overthrow the establishment of BZP by breaking rules on purpose are only being selfish and inconsiderate of the members here who do follow the rules - AKA, everyone who isn't banned or suspended. As I believe others have said before, BZP is not a democracy, and if you think the rules are unfair, your best bet is to simply leave and join a forum that you don't dislike.

Besides, it's not like the moderators here are really out for blood - it just seems like it sometimes. But I've come to realize that they're only doing it for the good of the site, and everyone who doesn't understand that just needs to leave and find some place more suitable to their standards. :)

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