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Why must everyone on BZP believe in the stereotype that all rap is completely mindless noise?



it was a joke


I know, but it's true.



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That's because that's what most rap IS.


Rap's like pop and metal; it's been ruined by a bunch of scallums.


Err... No offense to rap, pop, or metal fans; that's just personal opinion...

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I know what I'm missin'

rap y'all dissin'



I know I'm bad at rhymin'

so stop yo freakin' whinin'


Listen to me boys

rap's just pointless noise





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I dunno... I really like KRS-ONE as a personality, and I have enjoyed some old-school rap songs for the socio-political commentary and the attitude... Also, Eminem is a rhyming genius. So rap has its redeeming aspects for sure, in my view.



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Good rap is good. Not good rap is lame. The quality of the rap varies, however, and not even any single artist have entirely good rap in their discography.


Oh, and I'm a really good rapper. 8D



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:kaukau:The only two good rap songs I know are Amish Paradise and White and Nerdy. Other than that, you're right on, EmperorWhenua.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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That's because that's what most rap IS.


Rap's like pop and metal; it's been ruined by a bunch of scallums.


Err... No offense to rap, pop, or metal fans; that's just personal opinion...


you should never ever speak about music again.

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