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Bionicle: Next Generation Suggestion Box

Lewa Krom


Too much spam and off topic discussion in the modeling and animation topic.




Please leave modeling and animation for discussion about models/animation




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I'm good with skype chats, I'm a member of IBZP the Independant BIONICLE Zone Podcast.


I think weekly chats would be good.


GJ you should add me so we can get some test chats in.



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I'm good with skype chats, I'm a member of IBZP the Independant BIONICLE Zone Podcast.


I think weekly chats would be good.


GJ you should add me so we can get some test chats in.




I agree.



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In which case, I guess I'll begin organizing a podcast for Bionicle: Next Generation, if everyone's up for it. I don't think weekly would be very good, unless they were rather short. Perhaps once every two weeks.



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My parents won't let me get Skype because they're overprotective of me and won't even let me talk to people I type to all the time! It's so unfair!

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My parents won't let me get Skype because they're overprotective of me and won't even let me talk to people I type to all the time! It's so unfair!

You could look at it that way, or it as a blessing, because you get more protected from all the wierdos out there....or people like Lewa Krom :P (sorry, I couldn't resist *tries to avoid Lewa Krom's War-Hammer of Destruction*)


Ok, for an actual suggestion...or two


1. I read through the Dark Mirror script the other day...I can't say I was extremely impressed. The writing itself wasn't bad, but it felt really rushed, which is good if you were planning a short five minute film (which I think was the original idea when the author was writing it), but from the way the animators seem to be talking, you're shooting for more half hour. I know you guys are editing it, but you might want to repost it or just get more people's opinions on it before finally approving and sending it to the actors (not trying to dismiss anyone's abilities, I just know nobody's perfect.) I haven't attempted reading through the hundreds of Script topic replies, so I don't know what they've already told you.


2. I saw in the offtopicness of the animation topic that you guys don't have sound designers...and it sounded like you guys weren't considering them, but just people who found sound effects....If that's not what you meant, don't read what I'm writing any further...If that was what you're saying, let me just say I am not at all a fan of this idea...course, I'm just a VA, not a head in this project, so you don't even listen to me at all. However, Here are the things I think will suffer sound-wise if people like the animators do it:


i. noticeable mic differences will be heard

ii. lack of background sound effects, only what's needed

iii. lack of vocal foley (I'm obsessed, so sue me...or not)

iv. lack of reverb effect to the voices.

v. the opportunity for willing souls to help in the project


True, I think if the animators do this they will do a better job than I expect them to, but doubt they will put as much effort if you had actual sound guys.


True, also my standards are set high (I get rather perfectionistic sometimes), since I haven't yet mastered reverb effects, and I can't always fix mic quality (as comments after my first Audio drama chapter will attest to.) However, I wasn't saying I'll your man...There are others who would be much more betterer (like my gooder english do you?)


But then again, people probably won't notice too much...they'll be more focused on animation and voice acting. Your choice...Just thought I would put my disapproval, and a suggestion in this blog entry. So the suggestion: Find a couple guys who can work with sound/sound effects. Once you've got a rough animation down (the timing is moderately finalized) send it to them, and have them begin working on it, having the sound guys send them what they have as they go along...the sound designers adjusting the time and length as needed.... In otherwords, similar to how real movies are made :lol:


Yeah...Those are my thoughts.



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*Lewa Krom jumps for joy because he now has a War-Hammer of Destruction! :happydance:*


1) Normally, editors are incharge of making things better. However, lewathetoa and I are rewriting the script to be much lengthier. It'll probably end up at 30-45 minutes. We haven't posted it because the dialogue still needs work.


2) Someone mentioned a few weeks ago that a certain website had a whole ton of sound effects available for public use. I just need to find that person to get the name of the website. :P




Not much we can do about that. Maybe we can go back in time and kill Columbus so the world can be flat like it used to be. :P

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*Lewa Krom jumps for joy because he now has a War-Hammer of Destruction! :happydance:*


1) Normally, editors are incharge of making things better. However, lewathetoa and I are rewriting the script to be much lengthier. It'll probably end up at 30-45 minutes. We haven't posted it because the dialogue still needs work.


2) Someone mentioned a few weeks ago that a certain website had a whole ton of sound effects available for public use. I just need to find that person to get the name of the website. :P

I think I know that website...Right now you have two choices. 1 have joined a couple months ago (before a certain date), what's called an "Old School" member, and get five free soundeffects per month... 2 you can join now and have no choice but to pay for all the sound effects you download....Plus, I sometimes get more helpful stuff out of recording it live...Even though it has thousands of sound effects on there, not all of them are worth it. That's only one of two I know that's royalty free (unfortunately, you need royalty free or to have recorded it yourself)...the other one has about a couple hundred sound effects, but has less environmental, more things like sci-fi doors opening, dragon breathing (which is amazing, just not what you need)


And that still only answer the problem of getting the sound effects....Sound Designers don't just make the effects (which they sometimes do)...Job description includes: Placing those sound effects, gathering other sound effects online, gathering, effecting, and working with the voice recordings and matching them with the video, creating an environmental world for the movie to take place in, adding the music etc.


though something tells me you guys are going to be working with the VA recordings for the mouths...so maybe scratch that one off the list.


.... By the way, if you still need help with Script editors this time around, I could help out...I consider dialog to be one of my stronger points in writing (why else do you think I'm writing audio dramas :P).



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Finish a trailer for Dark Mirror Movie Adaptation by August and show it at BrickFair to advertise the project to LEGO Community outside BZPower and to show BZPower that you guys are getting things done and that BNG is not just some fad that will died off in few months.


Just a suggestion.



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Just make it all as epic as humanly possible, and try and run the models by Greg to have them canonized as official. That's a high request, I know, but it will all be worth it in the end.

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