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T-shirt Design Voting!




Time's up!

What does this mean? What happens now? Well, easy: voting.

"How does this work?"

Easy! You review the list of entries listed below, pick your favourites, and then list the top three, in your opinion, in order that you like them. Once the voting ends at midnight on the 18th, PST, the top three voted entries will be carefully milled over by my staff and I and we will decide on which one to print.

1. Cap'n K - Entry [gallery] (Entry comment)

2. Cherixon - Entry (Entry comment)

3. Robo - Entry back (Entry comment)

4. Chibinuva - Entry [1] [2] [3] (Entry comment)

5. Dirty Burrito - Entry back (Entry comment)

6. .:MatoroIgnika:. - Entry (Entry comment)

7. Element Lord of Light - Entry back (Entry comment)

8. Sisen - Entry (Entry comment)

9. Protosteel - Entry (Entry comment)

10. Chunky! - Entry [gallery] (Entry comment)

11. Nukaya Cloud Fire - Entry [1] (Entry comment)

And there you have it! Vote now, wear later. =D



Recommended Comments

1. Cap'n K


2. Protosteel hehe.png


3. Chunky!


Nukaya's might be kind of hard to read on a T-shirt, but is otherwise awesome, and Sisen's is up there somewhere just below the top 3.

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1. Sisen's. Dude, it's a tie. A TIE. With TOHU. <3


2. Chunky's. I like how the design goes out of the normal in-the-middle design and makes it wrap around, but still comes out far enough so it's clearly visible.


3. Dirty Burrito's. I think the font could be messed around with a bit to stand out more, but the Tahu design would look really awesome on a black shirt.



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Nukaya and Sisen are tied for first.


Second would be Chunky!



Tied for first?


> 55555


He means he likes them both equally, not that they have equal votes. -EW

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I think it would be cool if we Sisen for the front of the shirt, and Chunky's on the back...with a black background, of course.
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Nah, they are completely different styles, and it would be odd having a front design as the back design.
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No, because you just told me about it. And this anonymous voter is someone very special and I only let him get away with it.



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