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Here's a riddle for you guys, because I know some of you (including myself) love a good riddle:


Two vacationing couples, Bob and Jen and Dave and Sarah, are flying to a holiday resort on a tropical island. However, their plane crashes in the waves. Bob, Dave and Sarah are washed up another island alive, and Jen is presumed dead.


A month later, having been rescued, Dave walks into a restaurant. There he orders the albatross. Upon trying it, he walks outside, pulls out a gun and shoots himself.


Why did he kill himself?


So, ask a yes/no question, and I'll reply with the answer. You know the riddle rules.

Also, no spoiling if you've already heard this riddle.


...and I think the original riddle didn't have names, but I'm using them for simplicity. :P



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It's 5:25, I couldn't get to sleep so I'm stalling with my iPod. :P


More specifically, did they eat albatross on the island? If so, was it their primary food source, or did they eat other things?


Also, did he have that realzation of 'something' before he ate the albatross?

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They did not eat albatross on the island.


He had the realisation while he ate the albatross in the restaurant.


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Did he order the albatross in some sort of memory of the island or its inhabitants?


Was the albatross a bird? :P (I know a riddle where the whole time you think they're human, and it turns out they're fish, so I had to ask)

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Like a tribute? No.


The couples are human. The albatrosses are albatrosses. I think I know the riddle you're talking about, with the fish and the cat?


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Okay, after reading through all the Q/As, I think I’ve got it:


A month after the crash, Dave was rescued. However, the riddle makes no mention of Bob or Sarah at this point. Thus, I feel it’s safe to presume the latter two as dead. Given that there were wild albatross on the island, events could have played out in one of two ways that would lead to Dave’s eventual suicide.


Scenario #1: On the island, the three survivors go hungry without food. Eventually, Bob and Sarah die of starvation. Dave, however, lives to be rescued. When he eats the albatross at the restaurant after his rescue, he realizes that they could’ve eaten the albatross on the island and then perhaps Bob and Sarah may have lived as well. With misplaced remorse for not realizing this while all three were still alive on the island, Dave commits suicide.


Scenario #2: On the island, the three survivors were left with only a small amount of rations from the plane that had washed ashore with them. As time passed, these rations dwindled down to only enough to feed one person. Maddened with hunger and isolation, the three of them fight to the death for the remaining food and Dave emerges as the winner and lives to be rescued. When he eats the albatross at the restaurant after his rescue, he realizes that they could’ve hunted the albatross on the island to feed themselves. After this realization, Dave, guilt-ridden, commits suicide.


So did I get it?



- MechaFizz

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Yes, but since that's ambiguous, you're going to have to ask to see if both of them died, or if only one (and which one) died. :P


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Yeah, that's me. =P


Anyway... now this starts to make sense. I just gotta think of what the connection is between her and the Albatross.

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