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It's Not Cool, When...



You have the cops called out on you, because you look like a group of terrorists, or armed and dressed to kill- militia.

The cops were cool about it though, even joked around with us after a few questions (Although, in their cruisers, the had some pretty powerful rifles O.o)

My airsoft team & I, and two other teams had to pull out Saturday and lose our location, because we were scaring residents in the nearby district.


So now, we have to pick up and find a better location/play at the other team's fields <_<


On the brightside of things, I've been looking for some abandoned buildings to perhaps make HQ, And some of the most epic battles happen in the rain. :P





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Yeeeaaahh, there were certain times when we had to make sure our little orange tipis were showing 'cause a few people freak out when they see people running around with machine guns....especiialy when we'd get a little into the part, costume, act, and all......good times though. :P


Good luck on finding a super discoishly awesome place though! :D


-Jordboy1 :miru:

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make it a 3 story buidling in the rain then it will make it epic

Matrix, eh?


Fighting in the woods would be fun. Try that out.

That's where we usually played, but it turns out, no one got permission.




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make it a 3 story buidling in the rain then it will make it epic

Matrix, eh?


Fighting in the woods would be fun. Try that out.

That's where we usually played, but it turns out, no one got permission.




aye it be matrix

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