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Blog Q&A



Blog Q&A




Welcome to the Blog Q&A. This is your chance to speak directly to the Blog Staff (DeeVee, the Blog Leader, and his assistants Nukaya, Shine, Bfahome, Ta-metru_defender, and Takuma Nuva) and ask any questions you may have about the world of blogs.


Please check out the Blog FAQ first, as your question may have been already answered.


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I was wondering, is there any way I could possibly hide certain comments in an entry from being seen by others?



You can set your comments so they have to be moderated first. This way, only you, me, and other BZP blog and higher-up staffmembers can see them. You can just choose not to approve them if you don't want the public to read them, but we'll be able to see them, and the person who wrote it won't.

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When I draft any blog entry of mine, and republish it later, I get linked to a page that says "IPS Drive Error". The blog entry does get published if I refresh the page, but my blog is not seen on the front page. This happens every time.


Is this a common problem, and how do I fix it?



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I was wondering, is there any way I could possibly hide certain comments in an entry from being seen by others?



You can set your comments so they have to be moderated first. This way, only you, me, and other BZP blog and higher-up staff members can see them. You can just choose not to approve them if you don't want the public to read them, but we'll be able to see them, and the person who wrote it won't.

What about comments that have already been made? Is there any way I can "unapprove" them?



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if i can make a blog on bzp`s birthday how long will it take for it to"close*"?




*cant make more blog entries

When BZP's anniversary week is over, you lose the ability to make entries (unless you become Premier).

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When I draft any blog entry of mine, and republish it later, I get linked to a page that says "IPS Drive Error". The blog entry does get published if I refresh the page, but my blog is not seen on the front page. This happens every time.


Is this a common problem, and how do I fix it?

To bump it you need to use the Publish button. You don't need to enter the edit entry screen.


I was wondering, is there any way I could possibly hide certain comments in an entry from being seen by others?



You can set your comments so they have to be moderated first. This way, only you, me, and other BZP blog and higher-up staff members can see them. You can just choose not to approve them if you don't want the public to read them, but we'll be able to see them, and the person who wrote it won't.

What about comments that have already been made? Is there any way I can "unapprove" them?



The only thing you can do is delete them then. There is no way to unapprove comments.



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Guest kopakanuva13


Hmm, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but...


I've noticed that in some blogs, the text formatting for some of the preset content blocks (such as "Last Entries", "Last Comments", "Search Blog", etc) is different (i.e. bold). Is there a way to manually change the formatting, or is it just an HTML glitch?

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Hmm, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask but...


I've noticed that in some blogs, the text formatting for some of the preset content blocks (such as "Last Entries", "Last Comments", "Search Blog", etc) is different (i.e. bold). Is there a way to manually change the formatting, or is it just an HTML glitch?

As far as I know there is no way to change them, so it could just be a glitch. Could you provide a link or a screenshot in some of the blogs this happens in for you?



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Guest kopakanuva13


Hmm... I believe I saw it in Arpy's, maybe Amph's...


Well, Arpy's is back to normal, but Amph's Blog has the odd formatting O.o

~Not CK

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Weird. Maybe something to do with the previous blog content blocks...


Try getting them to move them up top, see if they go back to normal. If that's the case, there's something wrong with one of the prior content blocks.

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I have a question. Is it okay for me to post a draft of an RPG I am working on in my blog? Nobody will play it, it is just to get people's opinions on it before I decide to enter it in the next contest.

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I have a question. Is it okay for me to post a draft of an RPG I am working on in my blog? Nobody will play it, it is just to get people's opinions on it before I decide to enter it in the next contest.
I haven't read the contest rules nor do I know what the policies are regarding entries that have been posted on BZP before. However, by blog rule standards, it's fine.
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Why is it, when you title an entry something, and that entry has more than one capital letter in a row, it decapitalises the letter after the first one.


So say your entry's called "FFVII problems", then it will be displayed as "Ffvii problems".



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Why is it, when you title an entry something, and that entry has more than one capital letter in a row, it decapitalises the letter after the first one.


So say your entry's called "FFVII problems", then it will be displayed as "Ffvii problems".

It is how the forum is setup. It does that with topic titles as well, but those can be fixed properly by a Moderator or an Admin. However they can't be fixed by an admin in the blogs.



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I have a question. Is it okay for me to post a draft of an RPG I am working on in my blog? Nobody will play it, it is just to get people's opinions on it before I decide to enter it in the next contest.

Sounds fine to me.

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I have one: when you see an entry (the news does this a lot too), sometimes it'll say more, and you click it, and it takes you to what appears to be the very same entry, but longer. How do you do that?

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[extract]Text here.[/extract]


That is the extract code that allows you to do this. Any text not in the code will be hidden.



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