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Bzp Wri Mo



The Unofficial BZPower Writing Month


Recently, Velox and I have been brainstorming ideas for a BZPWriMo, based off of the National Novel Writing Month (or, shortened, NaNoWriMo). For those unfamiliar with NaNoWriMo, the purpose is to write a 50,000 word novel (roughly 175 pages), during November. It's for anyone who's ever wanted to write a novel, but too scared away by the time and effort involved.


However, BZPWriMo will be a bit different, and will be set to start on the first of July. The goal is to write 20,000 words by the end of the month. At the end of the month, anyone who finishes their entry, with over 20,000 words, will be judged. Before this however, they will be allowed to edit their work. When the judges have selected the finalists, I will set up a poll, where everyone can vote for the best entry.


One other thing, there will be prizes. Other than the prize of creating a whole new epic/anthology/other type of story.


In the meantime though, we'd like your input, and we'd like anyone interested to give their feedback on a few things:

  • Are you interested in participating?
  • Are you interested in judging?
  • Should the BZPWriMo be BIONICLE-only stories, or would you like COT stories to be included?
  • Is 20,000 words a good aim?
That's all for now. The official entry will be posted at a later date.



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Velox--I basically meant that, for example, every week in that month, each participant enters a 5K word entry, so by the fourth entry in the fourth week (i.e. first month) you have a 20K word novel.


Wait, how else would judging take place?

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Velox--I basically meant that, for example, every week in that month, each participant enters a 5K word entry, so by the fourth entry in the fourth week (i.e. first month) you have a 20K word novel.


Wait, how else would judging take place?


That might work. Dunno, though, what people would prefer.


And, well, usually judging is just reading over the entries and then seeing which they like best. They don't actually correct it at all. If judges want to do that, though, that'd definitely be great.



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I wouldn't make corrections, I'd just comment on things like I do in any of my reviews--talk about development and the like.

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I wouldn't make corrections, I'd just comment on things like I do in any of my reviews--talk about development and the like.

Yeah, well judges don't usually do that either. But, as I said, if judges want to they can. Depending on how many entries we get, though, I probably won't be doing that.


I'm still not sure about the 5k-a-week-thing. Because even if it is 5k a week, what you're wanting to do [if I understand right] is have judges go through them after each 5k and give some advice. That'd slow the WriMo down, probably prolonging it another month.


Furthermore, I personally think that just having it 20k in a month helps a writer improve. It forces them to write a certain amount in a given time frame. Often times writer's block is not because someone doesn't have an idea, but just simply because they either don't want to write, don't feel like writing, or what they do write doesn't sound right. This, however, forces them to just tread over that.


Which is exactly why there's a second month given for corrections. Once you just write it, even if it sucks, you know that you finished it. Then, after spending some time editing, you'll have a novel written.


That's how I see it, at least.



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I'll judge or write, it doesn't matter to me. Meaning, if you don't need me to judge, I'll write. I also don't care about the kind of story: COT or BIONICLE, it doesn't matter.


20K sounds good to me. I always got intimidated by the 50K.

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1. Since I need to write my epic, this'll be a good excuse to do it, so yes. :P

2. If I had time to judge, I would, but I don't have the time.

3. Only Bionicle stories, please. This IS a Bionicle fansite after all.

4. 20,000 seems fine for a month.

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Are you interested in participating?

Are you interested in judging?

Should the BZPWriMo be BIONICLE-only stories, or would you like COT stories to be included?

Is 20,000 words a good aim?






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So doing it. Between this idea for an epic I have and some assorted SS ideas I think I could make 20K.


Don't think I've got the time to judge.




20K sounds great.

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1. It's a possibility.

2. Also interested.

3. Meh not only bionicle.

4. Yes 20k

5. Group epics eh.



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I am just curious . . . Is anyone actually opposed to having COT epics allowed? And if so, why?


Here's a few points that give my opinion:


-COT stories give us more entrants

-I personally would probably write a COT story [there is a chance I'd write a group BIONICLE epic with some people, but I'm not really sure group epics should be allowed anyway, as this is supposed to be an individual writing "program"]

-allowing COT epics might get more people writing. If COT epics aren't allowed, we'd probably say "try to meet the deadline still, but you can't enter." While that may help some people, for others they may not even write as they need some form of motivation.


Now of course Kiotu has the final word, so I'm not saying that COT epics will be allowed, but I would like to know why anyone would be opposed to it, which might make me change my thoughts on the matter.



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I'm more so against them simply because I'd rather save my original story for the official WriMo. BZP is a website devoted to Bionicle, so while there isn't anything wrong with it if it ends up happening, I think sticking to Bionicle would be better in the longrun to keep it within one subject to avoid confusion.


But like I said, if COT is allowed, I don't mind. But hey, why not have two BZP WriMo's in a year? One for Bionicle, and one for COT?

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Are you interested in participating?


Are you interested in judging?

Fo' sure.

Should the BZPWriMo be BIONICLE-only stories, or would you like COT stories to be included?

BIONICLE-only. EDIT: Because NaNoWriMo is for non-BIONICLE stories. Seeing as this is BZP Wri Mo, it makes sense to go BIONICLE.

Is 20,000 words a good aim?

Sounds good to me. That's less than a thousand words a day.

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1. I would definantly go for it, the problem is, the last story I wrote spanned two nanowrimos (100,000 words long...and I wrote 750,000 before giving up)...and I'm going to be in africa the second half of the month, so twice as much as for Nanowrimo in half the time would be a bit difficult :P If I find a way to do it, then yes.

2. Judging? nope, sorry, I'm not the best of critics. I can edit, I can't judge unless I'm judging music.

3. Well, since what I would be writing, if I could, would be COT, I'd vote for COT, but a BIONICLE-related one would be more appropriate because of the site, and it is BZPwrimo...and that B stands for BIONICLE

4. 20,000 sounds good, however, that is one short novel :P plus, this is summer time when most people have less to do, and Nanowrimo is in November, when all the students have school. I liked what somebody said up there about having different levels of competition.

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I'm not actively against COT entries, per se, but considering this is a Bionicle website I think only Bionicle epics should be allowed. Although you're right that not having COT entries would bring the level of interested people down... Would it be possible to have two categories, one for Bionicle and one for COT?

- :l: :flagcanada:
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1. Are you interested in participating?

2. Are you interested in judging?

3. Should the BZPWriMo be BIONICLE-only stories, or would you like COT stories to be included?

4. Is 20,000 words a good aim?


1. Yeah, sure

2. No thanks

3. I don't mind that much, really

4. Yeah, seems pretty good.

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