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Post-Upgrade Differences, Advancements, And Blues

With the updated software, the blogs have seen some changes, some good, a few disappointing. This entry will exist to allow you guys to familiarize yourself with the new layout. The FAQ entry below this has been updated accordingly and will serve as the de facto "how to blog" entry once the board has been back for an extended period of time. I am leaving this open, and request all questions and comments regarding the new layout go HERE and NOT in the Blog Q&A.




New blog entry layout:


The new entry layout is mostly similar. Along with the usual options for entry title and categorization, there is also a palce to add tags to your entry. These tags will appear at the bottom of an entry, while the category you put an entry in will appear at the top of the entry.



How to edit/change basic blog settings:


1. Click on your username in the top right corner of the page. Open the drop down menu.

2. Click "manage blogs".

3. Click the options button. From here, you can view your blog, post a new entry, manage settings, manage categories, or manage comments.


Manage settings:


This allows you to change the name or description (subtitle) of your blog. It also has options for blog view permissions and a url to your blog page, but those settings are inactive.


Manage categories:


This allows you to make new categories for your blog entries and to see how many/what entries are listed in a category. It also gives an option to delete a category. This will NOT delete entries. Instead, it sets any entries in deleted category to "uncategorized" if this is done.


Manage comments:


This lets you see every comment ever on your blog in one big list. Here, you have options to approve, delete, or unapprove comments by clicking on the checked box. This option will not work if you are a nonpremier member.


Content Blocks


There have been some problems since the upgrades with content blocks. You'll notice you can no longer change their sizes, and there are reports where some members have the wrong content blocks after the upgrades and server change, and unfortunately we cannot fix that. You will have to change your blocks yourself, and if yours have been over-written with someone else's, unless yours appear in the drop-down "Add Block" menu, there is no way to bring yours back.


Other issues we're having with the content blocks involves curious cases of content block disappearances. For some members, whenever they edit an entry/comment, or change content block settings, they will see their content blocks disappear, and the content blocks will not be listed in the aforementioned drop-down box. Because the board thinks the blocks are still there (because they are).


There seems to be some patterns to the behaviour:


Hides Content Blocks

Moving block position

Hiding a content block (red X), both custom and default

Creating a new content block

Deleting a custom content block

Editing a custom content block

Adding an entry, both published and drafted

Publishing a draft entry

Drafting a published entry

Deleting an entry, both published or drafted


Brings back blocks

Adding a comment

Deleting a comment

Un-approving a comment

Approving a comment


Doesn't bring back blocks

Editing a comment

Reporting a comment


If you experience this problem, you may let us know in this entry. However, we have submitted a bug report with IPB, have not heard back, and have found nothing to remedy the situation, so if you are one of the unlucky members, we are sorry, but there is nothing, as of now, we can do to fix this problem. We hope that if we're patient a fix will present itself.


Update: As of Dec. 4th, 2012, this problem has been fixed. Content blocks should no longer disappear unexpectedly.


Thanks for your patience, your support, and enjoy blogging on BZPower once again! We're excited to have you back!!


Recommended Comments



Overall I'm really liking this new blog layout. It seems ... modern. Shame about the glitches though.


Also are we gonna get that free blog week soon cause BZP missed its birthday by a few good months? :P



You have it right now, actually. All members of BZP have Premeir Perks from now until at least a month from now. So go start blogging! :)

Comment Expired


Hey, is there a way to delete all my entries in one fell swoop?



Unfortunately, no there is not.



I can't even delete my content blocks. Shame.

Takuma Nuva


I can't even delete my content blocks. Shame.


You should be able to. Mind describing the problem?


●Takuma Nuva●

Vezok's Friend


Maybe it's because I'm a little sick at the moment, but is there an option to follow blogs like we had before or get our old list back? Or did those get thrown overboard during the update?



You can see the blogs you follow if you click your username in the top right of the screen, and select "content I follow" and then set the filters to blogs. This is the only way to see them listed in one place. You can add blogs to this list by opening the blog, and selecting "follow this blog".



I noticed that I cannot bump my blog entry by drafting it and then republishing the work. Is there another method of bumping the entry or will I have to make a new entry with the copied text? Or is bumping not allowed anymore?


Thank you. :)



On the right side of the blog when you're editing there is an option that says "publish immediately (change)". When you click that, a clock setting pops up. Set it to whatever time and day it currently is. Boom. Blog bumped.


You can also use this to have entries auto-publish at a certain time, I believe.



Thanks for the help, DeeVee. :)


The auto-publish is a pretty cool and useful feature. I gotta wonder if the front page news uses a similar system.


EDIT: I tried to auto-publish a past entry by setting the time 3 minutes after the current time. 3 minutes went by and it published, but it didn't get bumped, as in show on the top of the Blogs list. I haven't tried auto-publishing a new entry yet, though.



Thanks for the help, DeeVee. :) The auto-publish is a pretty cool and useful feature. I gotta wonder if the front page news uses a similar system. EDIT: I tried to auto-publish a past entry by setting the time 3 minutes after the current time. 3 minutes went by and it published, but it didn't get bumped, as in show on the top of the Blogs list. I haven't tried auto-publishing a new entry yet, though.

If you're talking about the "Who is Tobi" entry, it is at the very top of the new blog entries list for me at this exact moment, so it did indeed bump it.



Yes, but I followed your directions by setting the time as the current time. That had worked for me and it showed up on the blog entries list. Later on, though, I wanted to try out the auto-publish feature, so I set up the time 3 minutes after the current time. The "Who is Toby?" entry was published, but when I checked the blog entries list, it did not show up. So I reset it as the current time and it showed up. :/


I hope I'm not confusing you. :P

Takuma Nuva


I had it happen earlier where a new entry of mine didn't appear at the top. Not sure what caused it or if it was only something on my end...



So it never worked for you then?


I just tried it again and it didn't work either. So only inputting the current time and not a future time works, at least for me. :/


EDIT: Seems to be working now, but I feel like there was a minute or two delay. Anyways, thanks again. :)

Takuma Nuva


I didn't try bumping an entry that way. Heck, I didn't know it was possible until just now when I saw what Deevs said. It happened to me with a brand new entry.


Currently, your latest entry shows up as the second most recent for me, so, whatever that tells ya...



I discovered the bumping thing when trying to bump this entry, incidentally.





When you delete a category, entries in the category are moves to "uncategorized"


what happens if I delete the "uncategorized" category?



I think it automatically comes back? It's a board default category.



how do i post in my blog/name my blog/see my blog/create my blog?

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