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So yesterday I go in to get a new wire for my braces. Unfortunately, my teeth had actually "rotated", or so they said, so I have to have rubber bands in my mouth. Not so bad except the lady who installed them has no idea what the heck she was doing, and pressed down very, very hard on some very, very wrong spots, afterward insisting that it didn't hurt a bit.


So that was a little annoying, though it gives me another excuse to eat a lot of pasta. I like pasta.


Today, I went to the eye doctor. Oh joy. I tried on CONTACT LENSES for the first time - getting them in for the first time wasn't so bad, but I couldn't get one out to save my life, even sliding my fingernail across my actual eye a few times. Eventually someone else was able to finally remove it, but not before I was told that I'd have to come back tomorrow for further practice with the darned things.


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I have an elastic in my mouth too. I know what that's like. Sucks about the person installing them though.


Good luck with your contact lenses.

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Yeah thanks man.


I hope to get the hang of getting them in and out sometime soon. It'll help with sports a great deal.

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It's actually reversed for me; I can't get the lenses in to save my life, but getting them out is no problem. :P


Good luck with 'em, btw.



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I have yet to figure out how to get them out, too and I've been working on it for a year... well given that I've only gone there twice to actually try it... :P

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I'm glad I don't need rubber bands. That really sucks.

About the contacts though, you'll get it. I haven't had mine for a week and I'm already getting the hang of it.



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I hate my rubber bands. =|

My old one (I only have one in my mouth XP) was okay, but the orthodontist gave me smaller ones that pop out all the time, which is really annoying. I'm okay at putting them in now, though.

I also love my contacts. After a while, it gets really easy to put them in/take them out. Unless you drop them. =|2

And yum. Do want.



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>> Unfortunately, my teeth had actually "rotated", or so they said, so I have to have robber bands in my mouth.

>> so I have to have robber bands in my mouth.

>> robber bands


hope you don't have any gold teeth or silver fillings or whatever

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>> Unfortunately, my teeth had actually "rotated", or so they said, so I have to have robber bands in my mouth.

>> so I have to have robber bands in my mouth.

>> robber bands


mind = blown :P.



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look on the bright side


with rubberbands you can launch things out your mouth 8D

i have yet to try this


I'll go and try out. :P


Anyway, I find the lenses easy to put and to remove them. I use them for about two mouths.


And I remove my braces in September. :D But I still have rubberbands until I remove them.


Also did anyone said something about pasta? :P

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Contact lenses really annoy me. Hated the things since I first tried them. Besides, I think nobody would even recognize me without my glasses, it's sort of become a part of me, if you will. And like you, I couldn't get contacts out. Thus came the conclusion that I would avoid contact lenses at all costs. Seriously, I even have them sitting in my room as they have for over a year, but haven't even thought about using them.
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Actually, it just takes a lot of practice - today, for instance, I had them on almost all day and it didn't bother me one bit. I got each in and out on my first try, too. :)
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