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I'd seen some of it before, but was too freaked out at the time to finish it.


But I watched Signs in full tonight... very good. Gave me the creeps a lot. But it wasn't just full of cheap scares and gore and stuff that a lot of other thrillers/horror/suspense flicks have. This was good.


So if you haven't seen it find a way. Netflix has it on instant watch, if you have an account.


Also the creepiest parts were towards the beginning... with the creature on the roof... I saw something move. ;_;


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I think the most I ever saw of it was up until the thing in the pantry or wherever it was. Then I just couldn't go any further... Then again, I was only ten at the time, so I might be able see more of it if I were to get the chance anytime soon.

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I think the most I ever saw of it was up until the thing in the pantry or wherever it was. Then I just couldn't go any further... Then again, I was only ten at the time, so I might be able see more of it if I were to get the chance anytime soon.

That's almost as freaky as it gets. It's still good all the way through, though.


I was probably about that old when I first tried watching it, too... I remember I gave up with about 30 minutes left and just played Mech Warrior 2 instead. :P


Edit: No, it would have been Mech Warrior 3.

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The aliens in that sure were stupid for something with superior intelligence, though... "Let's invade and take over a planet which is over 50% fatal to us!" >.>

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Awesome, awesome movie.


I nearly died with suspense when I first saw it.


I rememeber biting my finger nails A LOT.




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Aww dang :( *is jealous right now T~T*

We had to cut off our netflix from our comp but we can hopefully get it back soon.

When we do I'll have to give that movie a view! =D

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urrrghh birthday party scene


I love the movie, but it scared me. A lot. For years.

i remember that scene after seeing it in theaters i couldn't sleep

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urrrghh birthday party scene

One of the most shocking things in any movie ever.


haha is it really good? i've never heard of it but usually scary movies register as either "meh" or "haha ridiculous" with me

It's suspense.


It is ridiculous at times. But still very good.


How could you not have heard of it, though? It was a pretty big deal when it came out...

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