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Such Adventure...



To some of my followers, like Ardros, Thylon, BaMB and the like who say my life is full of excitement and adventure, you're right.



Yesterday, while I was browsing the forums here, I hear my sister come running through the house, slide into computer room and blurt out "OMG SHADIX THERE'S A SNAKE IN THE BARN AND IT'S GONNA EAT A KITTEN!!"

So, I tell her to run back out and keep an eye one it, but she hates snakes and freaks and takes forever. She finally does though. Meanwhile, I head out to our Tool Room and grab a rifle and about 20 shots and head out.


Only to find the snake was gone. -.-


So yeah, my sister was then hysterical that it was gonna jump out randomly and rip off her leg. I noted, to her regret, that if it did that it would be acting very abnormal and would probably have Rabis. She didn't like that.


Anyways, that was my adventure for the day yesterday. Oh boy. :P




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Your a crazy, adventurous, little boy, Shadix. Always flying out of the nest too early. :P


Serials Leader in Bionicle: Untold

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Yes, but in a good sense. You won't find me at age 32 in my parents basement playing video games, unlike so many 'men' these days.


"Little Boy" huh? :P I'm only 6' 2" :P



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I dunno... I suspect a bull snake, as my sister said it was around 5 feet long.


We don't see snakes much around here, but when we do, we see them big.



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Did she really call you Shadix? XP


Yeah, in her place, I would have done the same thing. Only I wouldn't have eventually given in.


Are you quite sure you're 14? You take college classes and handle a rifle.

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Yes I'm quite sure. I had to use an Age Waiver (still do) to get into the college, and I've been taking 4H Shooting Sports for the past 6 years. I'm extremely safe and accurate with a rifle. ;)


No, she called me Timothy, but I just put Shadix. B)



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Age Waiver is something you submit so that you can go to college at a younger age. My Teacher saw what I was doing at 12 years old and pushed for me to get in, and I did. :D



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Only certain mammals get rabies. Additionally, most snakes are pretty harmless (with a few obvious exceptions. Such as the baslisk). Shame on you. :uhuh:

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Shhh! Don't tell her! It was funny to see her jump pretty good. XD


Yeah, only when you provoke them do they get nasty. >_>



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