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Queen of Noise


So I'm eating fruit right now (late lunch break here at the office...okay not really a break because I'm still working, but still), and it occurs to me how amazing fruit is. I love fruit.


What are your favourite fruits? Many can tell you that cherries are my favourite (probably my favourite edible things period; I really really love cherries), but it's lesser-known that watermelon is a very close second. I adore watermelon! Number three is probably mangoes. I also eat a lot of apples and pears. But the list can go on and on...I love papayas, honeydew, nectarines, plums, pineapple, apricots, cataloupe, blueberries, blackberries, pomegranites, bananas...


I'll make a top five:

  1. Cherries
  2. Watermelon
  3. Mangoes
  4. Asian Pears
  5. Fuji Apples
How about you guys?


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Have you ever had Honeybelle oranges? They are the best kinds of oranges ever. My family used to have them shipped to us from Florida by the box back when my grandparents lived there.
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I love fruit. =D

My favorites are probably strawberries, pomegranates, raspberries, peaches, and watermelon.

although I'm not sure if strawberries, raspberries, and watermelon count as fruits XP

I also like the taste of oranges, but they make my stomach hurt...



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1. Apples

2. Oranges

3. Cherries

4. Melons, period

5. Everything else excluding bananas.





Has anyone had multiple apples in quick succession.


I did.


I was 7.


I forgot to take entertainment with me.


It was boring.

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Oh boy oh boy oh boy fruit is awesome.




1. Peaches!

2. Pineapple!

3. Watermelon!

4. Bananas!

5. Cherries!


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1. Mangoes

2. Mangoes

3. Mangoes

4. Mangoes

5. Strawberries, Bananas, Watermelon, Grapes, Blueberries.

6. Mangoes



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I work in a Yogurt shop and it's so hard not to munch on all the fresh fruit. :(






Most any type of apples, especially green apples



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1. Watermellon (One of the best party fruits)

2. Oranges

3. Lemons (For me, everything tastes better with some lemon.)

4. Tomatoes

5. Limes (practically the same as a Lemon. But green.)

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Sour Apples



But all of those things trigger my allergies, and can really mess me up. It kind of sucks.

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I have oral allergy syndrome, which makes my throat itchy whenever I eat any fruits. The taste is worth it, though.

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I have oral allergy syndrome, which makes my throat itchy whenever I eat any fruits. The taste is worth it, though.

!!! We should be besties. Because me too!

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Well seeing as I can't eat things with seeds or with skins... I rarely indulge in any fruit. Although, when I do it usually involves strawberries, apples, or bananas.

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-Raspberries (probably -- never actually had one, but considering that I LOVE raspberry flavored foods... yeah. ^_^)

-Sour apples

-Red grapes <3




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Red grapes, bananas, strawberries, Red Delicious apples, cantaloupe, mangoes, and kiwi.


I did more than five but that's cause fruit is good. :(


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-Red Peaches <333



-Granny (Green) Apples



I love fruit =) I wonder hao somethings so good can be good for you ^^


Toa Daiker

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Not a real cherry fan. I like strawberries, bananas, blackberries, blueberries, and apples (which I can't eat due to braces :cry:), oranges, tangerines, and kiwi. I also get the occasional craving for watermelon.
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1. Cantaloupe

2. Lemon

3. Most other melons

4. Lime (a bit bitter, therefore under lemon)

5. Mangoes (I just started liking mangoes, and then we find my sister, who was the biggest mango-lover, is allergic to them. DX)

6. Blueberries

7. Bing cherries (I despise Maraschino cherries)

8. Blackberries


Yeah. I <3 all of these

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I have oral allergy syndrome, which makes my throat itchy whenever I eat any fruits. The taste is worth it, though.

!!! We should be besties. Because me too!

Hi five!

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