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Kopaka's Ice Engineering


204½ lb., 24.0% body fat


Where were you five years ago today?

I remember where I was. :)



Five years ago today, it was not Wednesday. It was Saturday.

It was Saturday and I had a whistle.


I was a basketball referee for the Upward basketball league at the church I attended, First Baptist Church of Moss Bluff. I wasn't that good, and I'm still not that good at it. (I'm prone to getting caught up watching the game instead of, y'know, actually refereeing it.)


Anyway, the games lasted from 8:30 AM through to 3:30 PM. A full day of up & down a half-court, but on the bright side, I was compensated with as many chili dogs and/or nachos as I could stomach. (Seeing as I've let myself go over 200 lb., 49 of said pounds being fat, that's still a decent number.)



After the end of the 5th-grade girls game, I helped break down the goals and put them away. Finally getting home, I changed T-shirts and got online, and brought up my trade topic, "My Krana for your Kanohi."

Once there, I noticed the strangest thing: the "Edit this post" link wasn't where it was supposed to be, because a "Delete" link was in the way.

I literally said aloud "What the frell." (Okay, it was to myself, but anyway...)

I opened up my Buddy List (My parents still subscribed to AOL at that point.), and started an IM conversation with Bionicle [now Bionicle Rex]. There was a time a few months prior that the board lost my account, and then found it again, and he'd helped expedite my re-registration and account fixing when the board found the old one again.


The conversation began as follows:

Ze Admiral: What's with this "Delete" link?

<BR's not public IM name goes here>*grin*

It was at this point that I noticed my member group had changed, from Premier Members to Premier Moderators.

(See, the color-shifty icons weren't up at the time: you knew who was who by the names on the forums, or by the gold gears since everyone had member icons at the time: the board was MUCH smaller.)



For the past 5 years, I've been on staff at BZP.

I was here for Kataraina (even if it was before I was on staff).

I was here for bioncleblaster.

I was here for the first dupe-account busting I remember, even though they were on a dialup IP.

I was here when I moved to Akron for grad school, and got into two car wrecks.

I was here for the first and second Ultimate Bionicle Quizzes (and I swear I'll finish the third sometime this month).

I was here for the Mäori DNS attack, that Bink successfully thwarted, but it still left the colo guys spooked.

I was here when LEGO landed on Mars.

I was here for VahkiPower.


5 years has been a long time, and I realize I'm "the FL no one seems to remember exists." I'm a relic like Rama~Swarm (and I remember when he was RAMA SWARM), Tok, and Pekel.

But I'm still here.



It's been a fun 5 years.

*raises a metaphorical glass of sparkling white grape juice*

Here's to the next 15.





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I realize I'm "the FL no one seems to remember exists."

Don't be so hard on yourself.....Nobody even knows that I exist. :P

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It is amazing that you have lasted this long. Your somewhat of a resurgence in the past year or so has doesn't make you a total unknown. Still, it's fantastic that you're still here with us. Here's to the next 15 years as you said. :)
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wow. Pretty cool. You need to explain some of this stuff someday, get some of us up to date, because I have no idea what "Kataraina" is and vagely know about the Maori thing.


And Vahki Power was funny.


I like Omi's comment....


Well, thanx for your hard work, and keep it up. I might even join you someday!



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*sputters into laughter at Omicron's statement*


Old dudes are antiques. Take heart in that. ;) I remember you, just that you weren't so active anymore after that.


Then you had a blog.



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You are old. :P


Don't be so hard on yourself, I remember when I first joined as well as the many events that occurred afterwards. Your name has always stuck out. I always remembered you as a staff member and Matoro. Among a few others of course.


Here's to another 15! * Raises glass*



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Omi, do I need to arrange for more texts at 4, 4:30 and 5 AM ET? :P


wow. Pretty cool. You need to explain some of this stuff someday, get some of us up to date, because I have no idea what "Kataraina" is and vagely know about the Maori thing.

Today seems like a good day.


Kataraina is/was a Mäori teacher of some sort from New Zealand. She called out the entire board in December 2001 for insensitivity to her people's culture for 1)our perpetuation of the misuse of the Mäori language, including but not limited to the word "Tohunga", and 2) our continued support of the LEGO line that used those words as well. At the tail end of the debate, she offered a correspondence course, for a fee, so that we could learn the proper contexts for these words. Big D and BR had enough by then, and exercised the "BZ is a privately-owned forum, and neither New Zealand statutes nor international free speech law apply here" rule to squelch her.

BI was right, though: that was a discussion for LUGNet, not BZ. If held on today's forum, it'd be over the heads of 85% of the board, not 60% as it was back then.


The Mäori denial of service attacks came in 2003, again over the board's continued use of "Tohunga".


It is amazing that you have lasted this long. Your somewhat of a resurgence in the past year or so has doesn't make you a total unknown. Still, it's fantastic that you're still here with us. Here's to the next 15 years as you said. :)


*sputters into laughter at Omicron's statement*


Old dudes are antiques. Take heart in that. ;) I remember you, just that you weren't so active anymore after that.


Then you had a blog.



I'm sure it is the blog. While I did keep in contact with the staff at points after Katrina, it wasn't until I got me's this blog did I really come back to the boards in earnest.



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Omi, do I need to arrange for more texts at 4, 4:30 and 5 AM ET? :P

You can text me any time, any day.


My phone is always on vibrate, so it won't go off in class. :P



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