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Windows 7

Lady Kopaka


Windows 7 is really really awesome. I never used Vista much (and it didn't bug me when I did), but I am really liking all the upgrades. Computer is running better, layout is nice, better stuff for customization...and all for $30! Still getting used to everything, but I am happy I updated finally. Goodbye faithful XP!


Only downside is I have to reinstall stuff. Gragh. But it did get rid of a zillion useless programs, so my computer is cleaner so to speak. Gotta reinstall Mass Effect 1 & 2 soon though...The Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC comes out tomorrow!


Classes start again tomorrow...I'm so out of it and nervous. I've been pretty sick this weekend, so I barely got to take advantage of the extra studying time. I'm going to have to step up and be extra careful, I do not want to fall behind...


I'm beyond exhausted (it's not even 10 yet!), and have to get up at 6:30AM...I am not a morning person. Just wanted to brag about Windows...oh, and in the next few days, not only is a art topic coming, but a certain short story that shall we say...is somewhat of a prequel to a certain upcoming epic?


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Mac FTW.



(Non conformist comments coming from a windows 7 user. Great.)

Hey, whoa. What gives you the haughtiness to barge in here and try to rain on somebody who's happy about getting something she wanted? What reason - because you like something different more? I like apple jelly, but if somebody posts a blog entry saying 'I really like grape jelly,' I'm not going to go post a comment saying 'APPLE IS SO MUCH BETTER' or 'HOW CAN YOU SERIOUSLY BE A GRAPE JELLY USER?'


Operating Systems are just chunks of programmed data on a machine. Everyone is entitled to use whichever one he or she desires and should not have to suffer insidious ridicule just because another person has different tastes.


The world really needs to grow up and leave this petty 'OS War' behind it. And you need to not post mean-spirited comments like that one, please.

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Strawberry preserves were here. Grape jelly is small time.


Also Mac computers are really expensive. Like. Really, really expensive. The majority of people do not want to drop at least a thousand dollars on a computer. And that's just a basic introductory Macbook. Some of the Pros and iMac can cost as much as a used car. As such most students can't afford one. We would much rather spend the money on other things. Like textbooks and transportation and the delicious substances we sustain our body with aka food. I could also go into all the reasons why I think nobody should ever, ever buy a Mac but that would be OS War stuff and definitely not the time and place for it.


She's happy with her choice. What right do you have to tell her differently?

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Yeah, well the SNES is better than the Mega Drive! :P


Glad to hear you like your fancy new OS.

I too cannot wait for Lair of the Shadow Broker. It just looks so awesome!

Things might get akward when I bring Tali though. . .

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And that is why you don't mess with her ladyship ^^


But is having to replay ME2 such a bad thing? ;)


Ohh, new DLC, I should probably get my hands on that! If not I'll just drop by EA's Montréal office and kick them til they give it freely!

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omgomgomgomgomg a new art topic, CANT WAIT!!!


Windows 7 has shown me very little problems, so I'm pleased with it, to be honest I never had a problems with Vista either.

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I use windows 2000 for the most part. And I'm pretty sure getting it for $30 is really cheap, right?


Yay! new art! And a new SS?


I can hardly wait...



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Mac FTW.



(Non conformist comments coming from a windows 7 user. Great.)

Sure, Mac is great. If you aren't poor. Why else would I be super happy/thankful to get it cheap?


Like other said--I honestly don't care, as long as it works. Windows works for me and what I do on a computer.


I too cannot wait for Lair of the Shadow Broker. It just looks so awesome!

Things might get akward when I bring Tali though. . .

Oh noez!


I use windows 2000 for the most part. And I'm pretty sure getting it for $30 is really cheap, right?

Of course! I think Windows 7 (Professional) is close to $200.


EDIT: Here's a screencap of my new desktop, yay. <3


It's annoying though, how there's not a lot of decent images for 1920x1080 yet.

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Like textbooks
Hey now, no one wants to spend money on textbooks. :P



That's an interesting game. I like the contrast and the gameplay.



One of the problems with Windows 7 is some programs that are compatible with XP aren't compatible with 7; unfortunately, Microsoft didn't really fix some of the issues that plagued Vista. There's a virtual PC/desktop of XP you can get, but it's not for the Home edition, and that makes me sad. I have one particular program that worked fine on Vista, but I keep having problems with it on 7 because it's not compatible, and compatibility mode doesn't seem to do anything on any program I've tried. :(


Windows 7 is great when things work as they're supposed to, but I still have issues that hinder progress on some of my projects. I can't even open some of the Windows default programs (ipconfig). I also have issues with installing/uninstalling at times. I'm kind of annoyed that Microsoft's been around so long, but every new OS has something that causes setbacks in certain software that seemed to get bugs ironed out with the previous OS.


©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM

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Ohh, and while you're at it, make sure to disable the "Tablet PC Input Service" from Services. It will annoy the living lights out of you if you don't. >_>

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Ohh, and while you're at it, make sure to disable the "Tablet PC Input Service" from Services. It will annoy the living lights out of you if you don't. >_>

LOL, I -just- got rid of that darn thing. It was driving me mad.


So far I haven't had any issues with programs--but I don't have a lot of programs. Internet/messenger, games, Photoshop, and a few other odd things. Will keep a lookout though.

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Taking a book out of the DeeVee page, it's okay, I guess. However, Windows XP still reigns supreme as the best Microsoft opperating system ever IMO, and I don't ever intend on upgrading my personal computer from it. However, the family computer does have Windows 7, and I haven't noticed many problems. I just am not that fond of the interface, particularly how it seemingly doesn't allow you to organize files exactly the way you want (I.e. not alphabetical). Then again, maybe I just haven't had enough time to explore all its features, as I do almost all my non-internet computer activities on my room computer. *shrugs*

Also, Microsoft Office 2003 is the best Microsoft Office. The versions after that may have lots of snazy features, but they can't compare to the simple practicality of 2003. Also, you can actually draw stuff in the older version of Powerpoint, whereas the newer version has completely RUINED vector art functionality. I've lost count of how many times I've tried to draw straight lines in Powerpoint 2007, only to have them turn into curves that do not function in a useable way. Also, having the screen center itself after a cut or paste opperation = BAD. Again, though, pehaps I just haven't spent enough time with it to iron out these problems - I guess I just got so frustrated that I decided it was much simpler to reinstall Office 2003. :)

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Only thirty dollars? Do tell me where I can upgrade my horrid Vista laptop for this deal. Seriously, Vista is driving me nuts on this thing and having Windows 7 would make things go a whole lot smoother here at college.


So yeah, where can I upgrade for such a happily low price? :D

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Only thirty dollars? Do tell me where I can upgrade my horrid Vista laptop for this deal. Seriously, Vista is driving me nuts on this thing and having Windows 7 would make things go a whole lot smoother here at college.


So yeah, where can I upgrade for such a happily low price? :D

Windows is having a deal for students--so either go to their website or google 'Windows 7 Student discount' or something. It's quite simple.


Also, Zarkan--2003 Word FTW!

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Mac FTW.



(Non conformist comments coming from a windows 7 user. Great.)

Hey, whoa. What gives you the haughtiness to barge in here and try to rain on somebody who's happy about getting something she wanted? What reason - because you like something different more? I like apple jelly, but if somebody posts a blog entry saying 'I really like grape jelly,' I'm not going to go post a comment saying 'APPLE IS SO MUCH BETTER' or 'HOW CAN YOU SERIOUSLY BE A GRAPE JELLY USER?'


Operating Systems are just chunks of programmed data on a machine. Everyone is entitled to use whichever one he or she desires and should not have to suffer insidious ridicule just because another person has different tastes.


The world really needs to grow up and leave this petty 'OS War' behind it. And you need to not post mean-spirited comments like that one, please.


Erm, you do know that I am a Windows Seven user and love it, and the stuff in parenthesis was meant to make it a joke, right? I suppose I should have made it clear, cause I don't like the OS war either, and I was poking fun at it.

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I've been begging my parents for months now to get 7, but both buying the $300 Suite and doing clean installs for our computers has been a problem...



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