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Thanks Everyone

Lady Kopaka


I would like to say thank you everyone for all the advice, I would love to personally quote everyone, but to simply go down the line to everyone’s main points I would point out:


I wish my parents would listen, they always complain about what I am doing, but never accepting or even care to listen what I am up to that I am enjoying. Or maybe I should talk more to them, I dunno...


I think I will stop going on AIM/Yahoo/MSN as much as I have been, but I might go on once and awhile, even though I love to talk to friends and it is very helpful at times to talk about RPGs I am in, help with art, writing, etc meetings, and so on; I don't think I am going to push my parents, I am just going to let it drop and maybe when I am older they might allow it...It just makes me feel a bit better to see some of your parents feel the way about messengers, and not just mine.


Talking over to my parents would be helpful, but once again, I just always get myself mad because they just don't feel that they are really listen, and then it makes me feel stupid and makes me feel like I am wrong always. Dads always working and moms always sick, I never find a time to talk to them...anyway, and I am much to afraid to talk to my dad about these things because he just yells at me.

And I have always thought about showing mom a 'tour' around the site...I really feel like doing that, one day I think I will just try to purposely get on BZP through my moms computer, and maybe slowly talk about it...I just hope she will listen. And to Omi, he has a point--He is the only one (Or so I think :P) That has my address, last name, and stuff like that. XD But seriously; that would be a good way to go.


But I wish, just so wish to death out of anything else... that I could show off my stories, my art to my parents, show and brag how popular my stuff has become, show all the great reviews I have and how great you members have been to it. But they don't seem interested, dad wouldn't care and mom would just say I should be writing and drawing in better subjects more often, they never ask me...I know I should be talking to them...But it feels that they never want to go up and say something like compliments for once. All I feel is that my parents just fuss at what I do wrong, and never encourage me; help me back on my feet. Sometimes it feels it is just God and me.


I'm...I'm sorry, I don't mean to rant--I hate ranting on this blog, it feels that is all I do on my blog, it makes my life look so depressing and gives my parents a bad image, trust me they are the best...But sometimes I need a rant, and I have no one to tell it to like this; cept' for when I talk to God sometimes about this, even though I know he hears me, it makes me feel good when I am talking to a friend in life and they show that they understand and I am not alone in this.


So basically, I am just going to let it drop and not make a big deal out of this...I remember one time mom wanted to talk to a friend from the board, and my dad laughed at some of the pictures from Brickfest last year...I wish they were always like that.


Anyway, I have bed. Thanks for listening through whoever dared, and hope I don’t sound all depressed or anything. :) I feel quite fine really; just deep inside I needed to get this out.


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Well at the very least, I'm glad to see that you're seeming somewhat more relaxed right now. Though it will stink for many of us, I'm happy with the decision you made with you IM services. It's probably for the best. I hope that you're able to sort things out with your parents ASAP :) .


- :t::l::h:

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I don't know what happened cause I'm not here as often as I used to. But I hope you get beteter and hope things get better for you and I almost cried during your message. So I hope everything works out for you. :)



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Honestly, i hope everything works out for the best.


Good luck.


Remember, God is working everything out for good. that helps me alot.


Eo Out.

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It's really good to see you've made your choice, LK. Cooling things down would indeed be a much better idea than to push it to your parents.


Just relax, don't worry about it, and when you think the time is right, have a nice talk with your mom and dad. I'm sure they'll understand. ;)


Well, hope to hear from you soon! :)

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I can understand your plight perfectly, and I know it's hard when you can't get a word in edgewise. I hope you can talk to your parents and sort it all out. But be very careful if you give a tour, plus think over your words. It helps, I can say that from personal experience... Here's wishing you very good luck, LK. You're a level-headed, thoughtful person and that's one of the best types of person to be.
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Honestly, i hope everything works out for the best.


Good luck.


Remember, God is working everything out for good. that helps me alot.


Eo Out.

Aye, same here. And keep Eo's words in mind, God will make it right in the end. Give it time and pray. ;)





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Don't worry, your info is safe with me. :P




Let's hope you speak the truth :P


Anywho, I fell your pain. My parents couln't careless about what I do, except for school.


"ZOMG, you got a C! Your restricted from the computer, Bionicle, blah blah blah!"


I can never muster up the courage to tell my parents how I feel. I KNOW they won't listen. They say they listen, but noooooo.....


Anyways, I hope you can work the whole thing out. May the Force be with you! :P (I use :P too much)



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