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Writers' Alliance Weekly Update--10/17/10

Riisiing Moon


The WA has really leaped off the ground with a force behind it--and that force is you guys, the participants. Thanks a lot for really attempting to revolutionize this whole system, and hopefully you're having fun while doing it.


For some more info on what they hey the Writers' Alliance is, check out this blog entry!


This week's theme is--




Characterization is, to state the obvious or tell you what you don't already know (depending on who you are, of course), is not only the creation of characters, but the process of delving into him/her and making a connection between that char and the reader (and hopefully yourself as the writer, along the way). So, this week, write a piece that does that! Write something concerning the creation, elaboration, and personification of characters, whether they be one or many. And when you do, link it back to this entry, along with any reviews of any writing piece anywhere on the forums ('cept Comedies, o' course), any tips you have to suggest, and any advice for the WA and how it works in general.


RM's Weekly Tips


Note--I'm not going to post the suggested tips of others here, as fortunately there was a massive influx of them; an entry should be coming sometime soon, consisting solely of tips and their discussion. Here're some of mine for your pleasure, though--


[submitted by Rising Moon]--This is a fairly obvious one, but one most writers acknowledge and totally overlook nonetheless, and it adds a heck of a lot of oomph in all aspects to your writing. Make your character realistic. It's a common practice to sum chars up in a few succinct words. It's my personal opinion, but I disagree with this technique of characterization. Could you sum yourself up in a few succinct words? You can probably come up with a lot that describe you, but none that really actually represent who you are. For that, you'd need to write monstrously large essays. Instead, make your char come alive through realistic concepts, not specific traits--traits describe, not make real. Give your char life. Make him a real, realistic figure with potentially deep levels.


[submitted by Rising Moon]--What's that about deep levels? Well, your char needs personality. He doesn't need to be oozing wit the exact some tone on every word, say every statement with the same emotion--that's a non-varying bore of a char. But he should fit a broad, general theme; like I said, you don't need to take that theme from a list--you should create a theme of your own, and fit it with a leveled char. You have levels. You don't talk monotonously, or pick one emotion and say everything you say in that tone. And while I can't see your every move, I bet if I know you well enough I can predict what you're going to do because your levels fall within a persona. This delves into making your char realistic and lifelike--make him deep, and stick to it.


Also, this blog entry may be a bit helpful. Express your thoughts there as well!


Alright, there's the weekly update--go write, and in the meantime, see you all on the forums!


Recommended Comments

Posted: Walking Her Home (albeit, in the wrong fourm, it should be moved soon) It's not really for the 'characterization' theme, but you could stretch it, if you really wanted to.



Wow. Just wow. You did so well with this story, that I--Wow.


The plot was so well planned, and the transistions between the scenes so flawless. I love the character-development you did.




There. Character development. :P Guess it'll have to count for this week's theme. XD )





Blazing Dawn (here)

Fading Blaze (here)

and BTW, I get those two epics mixed up, cuz of their carkin' similar titles.

The Toa With Black Eyes (here)

A Soldier's Destiny (here)



Short Stories-

Collapse to Rise (here)

The Forest Fire (here)

Thinking of You (here)





Okay, not to insult anyone's intellegence, because we've all had writing experience, and we know what Mary Sue's and Gary Stu's are. Any female or male character that's too perfect, gets any guy/gal he/she wants, masters an instrument/weapon in a matter of days, etc. etc. etc. But just keep an eye out for those buggers, and if you find one, I think it would be fairly logical to use the 'calm, cool, and collected/big brother' approach, not going around and pointing fingers. Not saying that any of us do that, but just saying.

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[submitted by KNI] Try not to right when you feel emotional. This may seem obvious, but anger can ruin/has ruined plots. Now, some people right when they feel sad, to let it flow out. I'm in no way saying don't be passionate. But think about it. You get really mad, because someone said/did/implied something to you that made you feel angry. How likely is it that an enjoyable story is potential?

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[submitted by KNI] Try not to right when you feel emotional. This may seem obvious, but anger can ruin/has ruined plots. Now, some people right when they feel sad, to let it flow out. I'm in no way saying don't be passionate. But think about it. You get really mad, because someone said/did/implied something to you that made you feel angry. How likely is it that an enjoyable story is potential?


Not to try and shoot you down or anything, KNI, but I disagree. I mean, you do have a good point, but I think writing is more of a way of putting your emotions to words in a different form and letting the world know what you think. When I'm angry, I write about a character who's angry, and finds a way to resolve the problem. If I'm sad, I write depressing stuff.


As a more personal example, I wrote 'Forget the Mountain', not when I was angry, but after I'd calmed down. I personally didn't like how the story turned out, which might be what you were trying to get at, but I certainly wouldn't say that my anger ruined the plot. Thinking back, I'm tempted to say that writing helped me simply to forget about what I was angry about, and move on with life.

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... Sorry, I'm still not sure what to do about this, I could sit back and write a chapter about one of my characters, hey, I need to update it anyway, I guess I'll go do it.


I suck at writing tips, none from me. :P


Kazi out.

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[submitted by KNI] Try not to right when you feel emotional. This may seem obvious, but anger can ruin/has ruined plots. Now, some people right when they feel sad, to let it flow out. I'm in no way saying don't be passionate. But think about it. You get really mad, because someone said/did/implied something to you that made you feel angry. How likely is it that an enjoyable story is potential?


Not to try and shoot you down or anything, KNI, but I disagree. I mean, you do have a good point, but I think writing is more of a way of putting your emotions to words in a different form and letting the world know what you think. When I'm angry, I write about a character who's angry, and finds a way to resolve the problem. If I'm sad, I write depressing stuff.


As a more personal example, I wrote 'Forget the Mountain', not when I was angry, but after I'd calmed down. I personally didn't like how the story turned out, which might be what you were trying to get at, but I certainly wouldn't say that my anger ruined the plot. Thinking back, I'm tempted to say that writing helped me simply to forget about what I was angry about, and move on with life.

You know what, you're right. It only tends to go to my point occasionally...you're totally correct.


Anyways, the first WA Comic 1has come out. This comic is made by me, however, it is 75% owned by RM.



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I just posted a Short Story titled How to Kill a Toa. Like Aderia said, it's not quite for the characterization theme, but you could stretch it. At least that's what I think. I wasn't trying to write a story to feature character development. You know what I mean, right?



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Only one story review for now...




Be warned -- the story is rather violent, but a captivating read. ;)


Also, would a short story that contains some sort of emotional journey (corny-sounding, I know) count under the topic 'Characterization'?

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Added Chapter two to my epic A Fading Blaze. It meets this weeks challenge, as four of the major characters both enter and have their characters developed.


And as that's ten, PMing you now.



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Only one story review for now...




Be warned -- the story is rather violent, but a captivating read. ;)


Also, would a short story that contains some sort of emotional journey (corny-sounding, I know) count under the topic 'Characterization'?

I've also reviewed Wasted Passion and The Asylum.


And I have a story I wrote a while back -- Indecision -- that I believe could meet the 'characterization' topic you've set. Is it okay to submit a pre-written story?

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I'm a little worn-out right now, so just saying this--


WA is meant to supply inspiration. It gives you a general guideline to write for something--simultaneously, it hones one or several skills in your writing, gets you to learn how to enjoy writing on that subject, and teaches the invaluable ability of applying something you're told to apply. But, like this whole blog, the Writers' Alliance is for you! I can't stress the importance of the following statement: Everything the WA does is completely optional! You don't want to fit the theme? No problem! Just write! Don't write to stick to a theme, write to write. No comments of 'does this fit the theme...?' I'm not givin' you a rule, I'm givin' inspiration!


Legolover--Along that line, nope a prewritten story doesn't count. If you want a review, feel free to advertise it pretty much anywhere on BZP, but the WA gets you to up and write, not give your homework from last tear for extra credit! As the cheesy, repetitive stereotype goes, grades don't matter, you do. Change your future, don't see what went wrong in your past. Past stories are there to learn lessons from and to provide a source of pride, and nothing else.

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Well I was talking to Aderia about this, and it seems interesting enough, so even though I have no idea what to do or what happens now, I guess I could just...


Post Waiting?


Eh, not much. And for whatever reason the epic art I made won't upload to Brickshelf OR Majhost right. :(


And if you put my name down for this Awesome Points thing, could I be Shadonix and not Karkat Vantas?


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