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Sumiki--i dreamt about pigs and caos last nite


Zarayna--Because my fighting spirit surrendered to the cause. :P


B&R--Actually, yeah, I find it really interesting and know a bit about it.

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Zarayna--The ninja strikes at midnight. :P


SoF--If woodchucks really did exist as a non-mythical, indepedent creature, and were genuinely able to, as so eloquently stated, 'chuck wood,' I believe the so-titled woodchuck that exists for the sake of the discussion herein would chuck wood equal to a sufficient quantity that he has the ability to chuck.

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Are you awesome like me, or do you prefer to dream about Barbie dolls and music that does not belong to the band known as SKILLET THE ALMIGHTILY AWESOME?

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:tohu: Do you know why you changed your name to the equalivent of an sunrise at the nightime manor?


What is your preferred manor of sugar-consumption satisfaction? (Fav candy?) :tohu:

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When I first into dark fantasy, changed my name to Nightfall; it seemed (and still does, in my opinion) like a word that when you say it, it just falls off your lips and drifts off ominously into the sky. Kept it for a while, and I tried a signoff to go with it--'-The Moon has Risen.' A few posts of that and I realizing Rising Moon as a display name beat Nightfall by a landslide, and then I could just hve my signoff as '-Night has Fallen.' Ironically, the signoff never stuck. :P




KNI--Hm...Do cinnoman buns count? :P

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Kiotu--No, now tell me. :P


Lhik--As a matter of fact, I have. My math teacher asked me this the other day, as fate would have it. I find it particularly deep and intriguing. Glad you can relate to its philosophical levels as well as I feel I can.

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When I first into dark fantasy, changed my name to Nightfall; it seemed (and still does, in my opinion) like a word that when you say it, it just falls off your lips and drifts off ominously into the sky. Kept it for a while, and I tried a signoff to go with it--'-The Moon has Risen.' A few posts of that and I realizing Rising Moon as a display name beat Nightfall by a landslide, and then I could just hve my signoff as '-Night has Fallen.' Ironically, the signoff never stuck. :P




KNI--Hm...Do cinnoman buns count? :P


Yes to the latter, or the former?

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